About the Chair

Valentyna Daineko, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Since 1990, the Head of the Department is Professor Valentyna Daineko, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Candidate of Philological Sciences. In 1969 she graduated from the Faculty of Roman and German Philology of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. 

In 1969 she began working at the University of Kyiv at the Faculty of Roman and German Philology. Since 1976 – at the Faculty of International Relations and International Law, and later – at the Institute of International Relations. In 1988 she defended her dissertation on "Structural-semantic and communicative-pragmatic features of paired phrases of modern English." 

In 1991 she was awarded the title of associate professor. Since 1999 – Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine. She was awarded the academic title of professor in 2003.

For significant personal contribution to the development of Ukrainian diplomacy, many years of hard work and high professionalism in 2009 she was awarded the Order of Princess Olga III degree. In 2014 she was awarded the Order of Princess Olga II degree for significant personal contribution to the development of national education, training of highly qualified specialists, and long-term fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity. In 2019 she was awarded the title of "Honored Professor of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv". In 2020 she was awarded the Order of Princess Olga I degree.
Valentyna Daineko is an experienced scientist, tutor, and methodologist. Author of more than 100 scientific works and developments. She teaches a normative course in the language of the speciality (English in international documents and diplomatic correspondence) and the theory and practice of translation. She did internships at universities in the United States, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, and Greece.


History of the department

A separate structural unit of the Institute is the Department of Foreign Languages, which provides students with all areas of training and specialities of qualification for a translator of a foreign language. The Department of Foreign Languages of the Institute was established as part of the Faculty of International Relations and International Law in 1976. Its first heads were associate professors Borysenko, and Smirnova.

In addition to the main language courses, for the first time in Ukraine, the department has developed special courses "Diplomatic correspondence", "Language of international documents" and areas of effective use of new technologies such as "Professional translator training", "Simultaneous and consistent translation teaching methods", "Modern advertising language". , "The Art of Communication", "English in International Trade", "English through the Prism of Diplomacy", etc.

Training of international specialists includes teaching 9 foreign languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Swedish, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese) with the qualifications: Bachelor - Translation Specialist (foreign language); Master - Translator from a foreign language. To provide students with the opportunity to study additional languages, the Institute has established a Center for Foreign Languages.

Disciplines taught at the department:

  1. Basic course (foreign language)
  2. Language for special purposes
  3. Theory and practice of translation
  4. Translation theory and practice (business translation and conference translation)
  5. Translation workshop

Programs of normative courses in foreign languages provide a comprehensive study of a foreign language and are focused on the development of students' certain theoretical knowledge and practical (translation, conversational, written and oral translation, abstracting materials) skills. The teaching of foreign languages to future specialists is closely connected with the profile disciplines taught at the Institute, as well as with the future practical activities of students and is carried out in successive cycles designed to master a foreign language as one of the tools for professional training: basic language training; speciality language and theory and practice of translation; translation workshop.

During foreign language lessons, the latest techniques are increasingly used, based on the use of modern technical teaching methods: computerized language classes, simultaneous translation systems, audio, and video systems, and multimedia computer classes The most modern material base, one of the new qualities of which is the combination of the traditional technical teaching methods and digital network technologies were established on the Chair. This application of network technologies has made it possible to put into practice a two-stage independent preparation of students for the interpretation classes: firstly, e-library materials are processed to train and improve skills in the mode of consecutive translation in a multimedia classroom, and then recorded in the form of simultaneous translation in a language laboratory.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning the courses "Practical work on Interpretation. Multimedia format"(developer - prof. O. Hon), a series of laboratory classes on "Translation of conferences "(tutor T.M Klymuk); "English in Diplomatic Correspondence"; "English in International Documents and Diplomatic Correspondence" (developed by Prof.  V.Daineko, tutor M. Hryshchenko); "Drama pedagogy as a way to develop diplomatic empathy" (tutor N.Dzhyma); "The use of computer games to simulate the English-speaking environment for educational purposes" (tutor  M. Noshchenko); "XML and multimedia technologies in teaching translation" (prof. O.Hon). These innovations are provided by appropriate methodological and didactic materials. Among the introduced models for the use of technical teaching methods, there should be singled out the use of computer technology in a foreign language during the state exam. The audio, video and film library collected by the tutors of the Chair includes more than 420 storage units. The Chair has two methodological teams: The Center for Distance Learning and a laboratory for the development and implementation of multimedia technologies for the independent work of students. The experience gained in this case has allowed the Chair to introduce a new section "Fundamentals of Interpretation" in the curriculum. Led by Professor H.Miriam, a creative group of tutors has developed such ways of effective use of new technologies as "Training Professional translators", "Methods of teaching simultaneous and consecutive translation", "The use of multimedia technologies in training translators ", "Linguistic commentary to multimedia texts". Special video courses, CD courses, and courses for independent work of students in a computer class have been developed, and a library of electronic texts has been created on the basis of modern methods and the latest technologies. Tutors of the Chair have developed a number of original methods for testing students, and postgraduates, methods of teaching a foreign language for special purposes, and tasks for independent student work.

These techniques have therefore been elaborated in the tutorials, educational tasks, theses, and speeches at international language conferences and congresses in France, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Ireland, Italy, and the Czech Republic prepared by the tutors M.Hryshchenko, prof. V.Daineko, Associate Professor S.Vladyka, Associate Professor T.Mykhailenko, Associate Professor Yu.Polieieva, (Prof. O. Hon, Associate Professor O. Tatianchenko, Associate Professor A. Rudkovska, Associate Professor N. Plakhotniuk, Candidate of Philological Sciences A. Karashchuk, tutor M. Karpik, tutor A. Kavytskyi) in the process of practical foreign language classes, open classes, and masterclasses. The active work of the simultaneous translation team should also be noted, as they constantly provide a high level of support during honorary foreign guests' visits to the Institute with their speeches and lectures to students and postgraduate students of the IIR.

According to the author's methods, workshops "Modern technologies of teaching foreign languages in the Ukrainian educational space» are held for teachers of secondary schools in Kyiv. The monograph" Translation Algorithms" by Professor H. Miram has been translated into Korean, Chinese, and Finnish. In recent years, taking into account the developed teaching methods, a number of textbooks and tutorials have been created and published.

Moreover, a large number (420) of educational assignments, methodological developments, laboratory work, etc. Teaching foreign languages ​​at the department is carried out according to a modular rating system, which significantly increases the organization of the educational process and has a positive effect on the overall performance of students. The staff of the department has introduced into the educational process a system of language testing of students and applicants. The funds of the department’s library have more than 10,250 copies of educational literature. Due to the active educational and methodological work and the constant search for effective methods based on the use of modern computer technologies, the department has strengthened the role of the main scientific and methodological centre of Ukraine for teaching language for specific purposes and the use of multimedia tools in teaching languages ​​and translation. It is the initiator and organizer of regular international conferences, scientific and methodological seminars and master classes. The department's experience has been tested and approved at professional international conferences and in foreign universities.

The department has established a clear system of advanced training for scientific and pedagogical workers. Many tutors have completed internships in recent years at universities and research centres in the UK, USA, Greece, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Republic of Korea, France, Egypt, Austria, Malaysia, Mexico, Canada, Belgium, Sweden, and Turkey. It should be noted the active participation of teachers of the department and students in the international educational program for European studios, translation practice and parliamentarian (visiting European institutions in Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Great Britain, and France); participation in the international educational internship program (Germany) and in the program of the Higher School of Social Administration and Law (Poland). The Center of Foreign Languages ​​is fruitfully working at the Institute (headed by Senior lecturer E. Voronchuk). The concept of teaching a second foreign language at IIR reflects the general requirements for the professional competence of young specialists in the development of international relations. Proficiency in several foreign languages ​​is a necessary component of the professional training and successful work of a modern international specialist. The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department is annually replenished with graduates of the Institute, who attended the course "Methods of teaching a foreign language in higher educational institutions" and successfully passed language teaching practice on the basis of the department. Specialists from foreign universities are invited to teach at the department.

The staff of the department carries out educational work in language groups together with curators. Teachers of the department take part in all events organized by students together with the Council of Students of the IIR. There is also an English-language theatre. The production of English-language plays at the Institute is an old tradition. From year to year, young student artists give international students hours of exquisite English and unrivalled moments of theatre actors’ performance, which makes every viewer look at the work and life of students from a completely different perspective. Such methods of artistic and aesthetic education are extremely important for the entire staff of the Institute.

It should also be noted that the department regularly conducts charitable actions to help with food and drugs at the Oryol Children's Hospital of the Chernihiv Region and an orphanage. Students consistently successfully represent the Institute in various competitions on the language program, work as translators at international conferences of different levels, and demonstrate professional language skills during their studies and internships at foreign universities. The high level of proficiency in foreign languages ​​is also confirmed by the graduates of recent years, with numerous positive reviews of organizations and institutions where graduates of the Institute work.


Contact information:

Senior laboratory assistant - Antonina Sadovenko

Senior laboratory assistant - Yulia Shalanova

Senior laboratory assistant - Violetta Chernykh


Department phone number: 481-45-34

email: Fl_iir@ukr.net