
Research is an integral part of international specialist training. The scholars of the Institute explore the theoretical and practical issues of international relations and Ukrainian foreign policy, country studies, international business relations, international law, and contemporary humanitarian problems and linguistics. The research results are widely used in the teaching process to develop new general and specialised courses.

Scientific potential consists of nearly 170 professors, among them: doctors, professors - 30, doctors, associate professors - 11, PhD, professors - 4, PhD, associate professors - 81, PhD, assistants – 21, assistants and teachers - 43. The Institute has a special research department with 16 scientists.

When fostering the renewal of the academia and training of the most highly qualified specialists in international affairs, the Institute pays close attention to post-graduate, doctor training, and to continuing education of the trainers. Every year the Institute enrols more than 70 Ukrainian and foreign post-graduate students; circa 20 members of the departments work as aspirants seeking the Candidate of Sciences Degree, and the Doctor of Sciences Degree. There are 3 specialised Councils for Defending Theses, namely, Political Problems of International Systems and Global Development; Geopolitics, World Economy and International Economic Relations; International Law; Civil Law and Civil Process, Family Law, and International Private Law.

Refresher training and continuing education of the teaching staff is an inherent part of training and research. The Institute promotes continuous learning of its staff both at appropriate Ukrainian establishments, and foreign higher educational institutions which are partners of the University, based on bilateral and multilateral agreements on cooperation.

The academia of the Institute contributes greatly to the development of Ukrainian national studies. The Institute hosts international conferences, symposia, workshops, and round table discussions of international law, international relations, international economic relations and international information on a regular basis. The Institute has up-to-date facilities to publish scientific literature, textbooks, manuals and methodological literature. Transactions of the Institute and Collections of research papers are published. They are: Visnyk Kyivskoho Universytetu. Mizhnarodni Vidnosyny (Herald of Kyiv University. International Relations) "International Relations", "Actual problems of international relations," electronic publications "International Relations", a series of "Political Science", "Economics", "European and comparative law."Chairs of the Institute are involved in the implementation of expert assessments, reviews, and production proposals on draft legislation to the Parliament of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, etc.

The students of the Institute take an active part in the research. As members of research circles, of task forces at the departments, they participate in students' research conferences, round table discussions, Days of Humanities and Arts, Shevchenko Days, International Olympiads, etc. The Student and Post-Graduate Student Research Society promote students' works, and students are awarded scholarships and grants to do research at the Institute and study abroad, and publish the most interesting works.

Since January 2016 the   Research Department’s team of the Institute is working on scientific topic number 16BF048-01: “Association as a new format of relations between Ukraine and the European Union: political, legal, economic and informational aspects” (supervisor - doctor of historical sciences, professor Mykola S. Doroshko), which is a component of a comprehensive scientific program of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Since February 2019, the team of the IIR has been working on scientific topics No. 19BF048-01 (state registration number 0119U100313) "International legal and social mechanisms for countering separatism in Ukraine" (supervisor - Dr.Sc. Butkevich ) and No. 19BF048-02 (state registration number 0119U100336) "Strategy of confronting geopolitical challenges and threats to the national security of Ukraine in the conditions of the formation of a new world order" (scientific advisor - Dr. and N. Prof. MS Doroshko) The complex scientific program of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Since April 2023, the staff of the Institute's Research Institute began to work on the current scientific topic No. 23BF048-01 (state registration number 0123U102061) "International mechanisms for providing resources of strategic importance to increase the defense capability of Ukraine" (supervisor - Prof. N.V. Reznikova), which is an integral part of the comprehensive scientific program of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.


About Young Scientists Board


Order and regulations on the Council of Young Scientists of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

Report on the work of the Council of Young Scientists of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University for 2014-2019



Telephone number: (044) 481 4545, room 255