University Courses in European Economic Integration

Project “University Courses in European Economic Integration” (N°. 542395-LLP-1-2013-1-UA-AJM-CH) is implemented by the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations (WEIER) of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv with the support of the Lifelong Learning Program of the European Union (Jean Monnet Program, Key Activity 1).
The Project lasts for 3 years (2013-2016) and establishes the Jean Monnet Chair at the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations. It aims at teaching courses and modules in European economic integration:
- Competition Policy of the EU
- The EU Regulation of International Economic Relations;
- Social Policy in the EU;
- The EU in the World Economy;
- Foreign Trade Regulation in the EU.
The courses are delivered to regular and extramural Bachelor and Master Students of the Institute of International Relations, civil servants of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and students of the summer school.
Also, the Project envisages research in European integration, holding the conference “Methods of Teaching Courses on the Economy of European Integration” for lectures of other higher educational institutions of Ukraine, publishing teaching materials and other deliverables.