Academic Integrity

The Institute of International Relations is a partner of the Strengthening Academic Integrity in Ukraine Project (SAIUP), which is initiated and implemented by the American Councils for International Education with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the US Embassy in Ukraine. The project participants are ten leading universities in the country.
What is academic integrity?
Academic integrity is based on honesty, decency in the performance of one's duties, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.
Article 42 of the Draft Law "On Education" defines academic integrity as "a set of moral principles and rules determined by law to be adhered to by participants of the educational process during studying, teaching and scientific (creative) activities in order to ensure trust in learning outcomes and/or scientific (creative) achievements”.
Academic integrity is designed to combat
- plagiarism as an act of fraud in student papers, dissertations, scientific articles and monographs
- fabrication and falsification of scientific research results
- deception, cheating, bribery
Why is it needed?
We all live in a highly competitive society where the strongest is successful. What makes us the strongest? The acquired knowledge, skills, creative thinking, and ... equality of opportunities. At the same time, we repeatedly face complaints about the inappropriate attitude of students and teachers to the educational process and their responsibilities, about preconceived assessments or abuse of one’s rights by the participants of the educational process. You have come to the exam after sleepless nights of a thorough study of the subject and have successfully passed it. However, your groupmate, who copied the material on the exam, passed it with the same success. Your resentment is quite understood!
It is the SAIUP that aims to overcome the disadvantages of abuse and inappropriate attitude towards one's responsibilities through the formation of a culture of academic integrity in the educational space of Ukraine. Consequently, an increase in the level of higher and secondary education and the training of highly qualified specialists. That is what our country needs the most!
Therefore, let's start introducing academic integrity to ourselves! Let's restore confidence in high-quality higher education in Ukraine!