Staff and academic interests

Ivan Bilas
Doctor of Law, Doctor of Historic Sciences
Head of the Chair
History of State and Law of Ukraine, History of State and Law of Foreign Countries, History of Political and Legal Sciences, Theory of State and Law, International Security

Honored lawyer of Ukraine.

Education: Ivan Franko Lviv State University, 1978. 1983 graduated from Ivan Franko Lviv University - Faculty of Law. 1993 graduated from Ukrainian Free University (Munich, Germany) - Faculty of Law. National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in 1994. 2004 National Defense Academy of Ukraine majoring in "Management of Military Units Actions and Formations of Armed Forces.  

1989 completed PhD thesis – “Police organs of the western regions of Ukraine: formation, organization, activity (1939 - 1941)”, 1993 - Doctoral thesis “Repressive and punitive apparatus in the mechanism of the Bolshevik statehood”, 1994 - Doctoral thesis “Repressive and Punitive System in Ukraine in 1917-1953: socio-political, historical and legal analysis”.

Prof. Bilas is an author of approx. 150 scientific works.

Major works:

  1. Bilas I.H. Substantiation of the Right of the People to Revolt in the Context of Violations of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of Human and Citizen by the Yanukovych regime before and after the beginning of Euromaidan // Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity and the Aggression of the Russian Federation: Collective Monograph, Ed. O.V. Zadorozhnyi - K.: Publisher: KI.S. 2014 - 899 pp. - C.35-47.
  2. Bilas I.H. Introduction. International Legal Aspects of European Integration of Ukraine in the Globalization World: Historical Experience and Realities of the Present // European Law in 3 volumes. - K .: Publisher: KIMO. 2014. P.5-25.
  3. Bilas I.H. International Political and State Law Doctrines: A Textbook. - K .: Unesco-Socio Specialized Publishing House, 2015. - 572 p.
  4. Bilas I.H., Bilas A.I. Modern Jurisprudence: A Textbook of Four Books. Book One: The Modern Theory of State. - K .: UNESCO-SOCIO Specialized Publishing House, 2018. - 456 p.
  5. Bilas I.H., Bilas A.I. Modern Jurisprudence: A Textbook of Four Books. Book Two: The Modern Theory of Law. - K .: UNESCO-SOCIO Specialized Publishing House, 2018. - 572 p.
  6. Bilas I.H. International Comparative Political Views and State-Law Doctrines. To the 75th Anniversary of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Textbook. - K .: UNESCO-SOCIO Specialized Publishing House, 2019.- 595 p.
  7. Bilas I.H., Bilas A.I., Popko V.V. International comparative jurisprudence. To the 75th anniversary of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Textbook in two volumes. - T1 - International comparative theory of the state. - K.: Specialized publishing house "UNESCO-SOCIO", 2019.- 536 p.
  8. Bilas I.H. International comparative jurisprudence. To the 75th anniversary of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Textbook in two volumes. - T2 - International Comparative Theory of Law.- K .: Specialized Publishing House "UNESCO-SOCIO", 2019.- 604 p.
  9. Bilas I.H. Comparative theory of state and law. Multimedia textbook. Electronic format. - К .: ІIR, 2020 - 115 с.
  10. Bilas I.H. History of political and legal doctrines. Multimedia textbook. Electronic format. - К .: ІIR, 2020 - 120 с.
  11. Bilas I.H. Comparative history of the state and law of Ukraine and the countries of the world. Textbook in two volumes. Volume one: Comparative history of the state and law of Ukraine. - Electronic form, 2021 - 576 p.
  12. Bilas I.H. Comparative history of the state and law of Ukraine and the countries of the world. Textbook in two volumes. Volume two: Comparative history of the state and law of the world. - Electronic form, 2021 - 676 p.
  13. Bilas I.H. Multimedia textbook on comparative history of the state and law of Ukraine and the countries of the world (illustrations, schemes, tables, definitions). - Electronic form. - K., IIR - 198 p.
  14. Bilas I. H. International Legal Aspekts Of The Russian Federation’s Aggression Against Ukraine, Mechanisms Of Counteraction And Legal Liability For The War Crimes And Genocide.  DOI  - The Russian-Ukrainian war (2014–2022): historical, political, cultural-educational, religious, economic, and legal aspects : Scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2022. 1436 p. -  P.1094-1105 (Web of Science).
  15. Bilas I., Popko V. International legal aspects of the Russians Federation’s aggression against Ukraine, justice and mechanisms of counteraction and legal liability for war crimes and genocide. AD ALTA. Journal of interdisciplinary research. 2022. 12. Iss. 2. Sp. XXIX. P. 180-189 (Web of Science).
  16. Bilas I. Iran and russia’s Full-scale Military Invasion of Ukraine. The Ukrainian Quarterly. A Journal of Ukrainian and International Affairs  Number 3 • 2022. P.35-48. (Web of Science).
  17. Bilas Ivan Hryhorovych. Biography. Wikipedia. Free encyclopedia. 

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Смирнова Ксенія Володимирівна
Ksenia Smyrnova
Doctor of Jur. Sciences (Dr.hab)
Professor, Vice-Rector for Education (International Affairs) of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
EU Competition Law, EU Transport Law, Legal Framework of the EU-Ukraine Relations, EU Law in the field of Area, Security and Justice

Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations, International Law Department, 2002.

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Попко Вадим Вікторович
Vadym Popko
Doctor of Jur. Sciences (Dr.hab)
Municipal law, transnational criminal law, international criminal law, criminal investigation procedures in Ukraine and foreign countries

Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations, International Law Department, 2003.

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Шпакович Ольга Миколаївна
Olha Shpakovych
Doctor of Jur. Sciences (Dr.hab)
EU Law, Law of International Organisations, EU Institutional Law

Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations, International Law Department, 2000.

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Yaroslav Kostyuchenko
PhD (293 – International Law)
Associate Professor
European Union law; banking and financial law, EU competition law; law and economics, entrepreneurship and business; European integration of Ukraine

Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations, International Law Department, 2007, LSE LL.M. 2009, IE Business School MBA 2012.

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Бенедик Яна Степанівна
Yana Benedyk
Associate Professor

Fields of Research: EU Energy Law, EU Environmental Law, Legal Regulation of the EU-Ukraine Cooperation, Universal and Regional Human Rights Protection Mechanisms, International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law.

Education: National University "Law Academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav the Wise", faculty of training lawyers for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (2013).

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Illia Vlyalko
Associate Professor
EU Law, EU Material Law, EU Economic Law, EU Public Procurement Law

Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations, International Law Department, 2005.

Coordinator for monitoring the meaningful content of the educational process and ensuring the quality of education at the EaS IIR

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Гончарук Ольга Володимирівна
Olha Honcharuk
Associate Professor
Comparative Legal Studies, Comparative Criminal Law, Comparative Criminal Procedure, EU Criminal Legislation, Comparative Judicial Law, Comparative Administrative Law, Comparative Administrative Procedure, Theory of State and Law, Roman Law

Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations, International Law Department, 1998.

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Лисенко Олена Миколаївна
Olena Lysenko
Associate Professor
Comparative Legal Studies, Comparative Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Law of Public Elections

Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Faculty of Law, 1997.

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Святун Олена Володимирівна
Olena Sviatun
Associate Professor
EU Law, Human Rights Protection in the EU, Dispute Settlement in the EU Law, EU Migration Law

Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations, International Law Department, 2002.

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Alla Fedorova
Associate Professor
Human Rights, the Council of Europe Law, the European Court of Human Rights, Labour and Social Law, EU Labour and Social Law

Education: Donetsk State University, Faculty of Law, 1998.

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Bohdan Veselovskyi
PhD (293 – International Law)
Associate Professor (part time)
European Union law (general aspects, institutional law, foreign policy’s aspects); EU competition law; international humanitarian law; international criminal law; problems of European integration of Ukraine.

Education: Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Institute of International Relations, International Law Department, 2019.

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