Announcements of master classes
- March 2024
March 8, 2024
LOISHIN Anatoly (First Secretary of the Export Control Department of the Department of International Security and Military-Technical Cooperation) with a lecture:
"Moscow's proclaimed successes of the Russian military-industrial complex: reality or a soap bubble?" for applicants for higher education with a bachelor's degree in the 1st year of the OP "International Business (with the mandatory study of two foreign languages)" within the framework of studying the discipline "Economics and Foreign Economic Relations of Ukraine";
March 15, 2024
OGRYZKO Rostyslav (Director of the First Territorial Department) with a lecture:
"The level of involvement of major European states in ensuring the victory of Ukraine in the war" for applicants for higher education with an educational degree "bachelor" of the 1st year of OP "International Law" as part of the study of the discipline "International Relations and World Politics";
ARISTOVA Margarita (Deputy Director of the Third Territorial Department) with a lecture:
"Relations between Ukraine and the United States in the conditions of the Russian war against Ukraine" for applicants for higher education with a bachelor's degree in the 1st year of the OP "International Economic Relations (with the mandatory study of two foreign languages)" as part of the study of the discipline "International Relations and World Politics";
KRAVCHENKO Valery (Head of the Department of Analytical Support and Interaction with the Expert Environment of the Political Department) with a lecture:
"Analytical support of foreign policy activities" for applicants for higher education with a bachelor's degree in the 2nd year of the OP "International Communications (with the mandatory study of two foreign languages)" as part of the study of the discipline "Information and Analytical Activity in International Relations";
March 25, 2024
SPIRIN Ruslan (Ambassador at Large of the Third Territorial Department, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Belize (2014-2020)) with a lecture:
"Interstate regional and subregional organizations of North and South America" for applicants for higher education with a bachelor's degree in the 3rd year of the OP "International Relations (with the mandatory study of two foreign languages)" as part of the study of the discipline "International Organizations";
YATSENKIVSKY Volodymyr Ambassador-at-Large of the Political Department, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Lithuania (2015-2021) with a lecture:
"Priorities of Ukraine's Foreign Policy at the Present Stage" for applicants for higher education with an educational degree "Bachelor" of the 4th year of the OP "International Business (with the mandatory study of two foreign languages)" as part of the study of the discipline "Foreign Policy of Ukraine";
March 26, 2024
KRYSA Svitlana (Deputy Director of the Department of Consular Service - Head of the Department of Consular Services) with a lecture:
"Ensuring the rights, freedoms and interests of Ukrainian citizens abroad. Migration and Visa Policy of Ukraine in the Context of European Integration "for applicants for higher education with an educational degree" Master "of the 1st year of the OP" International Relations "as part of the study of the academic discipline" Diplomatic Work";
LYALINA-BOYKO Victoria (Acting Director of the Department of Public Diplomacy and Communications) with a lecture:
"Public Diplomacy: Role and Significance in the Foreign Policy Activity of Ukraine" for applicants for higher education with an educational degree "Master" of the 1st year of the OP "International Communications" as part of the study of the discipline "European Communications";
March 28, 2024
SPIRIN Ruslan (Ambassador at Large of the Third Territorial Department, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Belize (2014-2020)) with a lecture:
"Integration Processes in Latin America" for applicants for higher education with an educational degree "Master" of the 1st year of OP "International Relations" and OP "Diplomacy and International Cooperation" in the framework of the study of academic disciplines: "Diplomatic Dimension of Regional Integration," "Multilateral Diplomacy and Mechanisms for Regulating Modern International Relations";
March 29, 2024
OGRYZKO Rostyslav (Director of the First Territorial Department) with a lecture:
"Development of relations between Ukraine and the countries of Northern Europe and the Baltic States" for applicants for higher education with an educational degree "bachelor" of the 1st year of the OP "Country Studies (American Studies, Oriental Studies, European Studies, African Studies) (with the obligatory study of two foreign languages)" within the framework of studying the discipline "International Country Studies";
OSTASH Igor (Ambassador at Large of the Department of Humanitarian Initiatives of the Office of the World Ukrainian Community and Humanitarian Initiatives of the Department of Public Diplomacy and Communications, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Lebanon (2016-2022) with a lecture:
"International recognition of the Holodomor as the Genocide of the Ukrainian people during the war" for applicants for higher education with a bachelor's degree in the 4th year of the OP "International Communications (with the mandatory study of two foreign languages)" as part of the study of the discipline "International Information and Communication";
POLIKHA Igor (Ambassador at Large of the East Asia Department of the Fourth Territorial Department, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of India (2015-2022)) with a lecture:
"Foreign Policy of South Asian Countries" for applicants for higher education with an educational degree "Bachelor" of the 1st year of the OP "International Economic Relations (with the mandatory study of two foreign languages)" within the framework of studying the discipline "International Relations and World Politics"
MUSHKA Yuriy (Ambassador at Large of the Second Territorial Department, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Slovakia (2016-2022), IIR graduate (1991)) with a lecture:
"Development of relations between Ukraine and the countries of Eastern Europe" for applicants for higher education with an educational degree "Bachelor" of the 1st year of the OP "International Business (with the mandatory study of two foreign languages)" as part of the study of the discipline "Economics and Foreign Economic Relations of Ukraine."