Chair of International Business
The history of the Department
The formation of the Department of International Business of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko the National University of Kyiv dates back to 1990 as a result of the reorganization of the Department of International Economic Relations (now - the graduating Chair of World Economy and International Economic Relations) headed by V. Priyliuk, the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor until 1993.
In 1993, the Department received a new name - the Department of Foreign Economic Activity Management, which was headed by A. Kredisov, a Doctor of Economics, Professor, and Honored Education Worker in Ukraine until 2003. From 2003 to 2014, the Department was headed by V. Verghun, Honored Economist of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor.
Since 2014, the Department is managed by D. Rasshyvalov, a graduate of the Faculty of International Relations and International Law (now – the IIR), the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor D. Rasshyvalov.
Due to the need to train specialists in the field of international business and to bring into accordance the name of the department with the name of the speciality by the decision of the Academic Council of the University (December 2008), the FEAM department was renamed to its modern name – Department of International Business.
The educational process at the Department has been provided by highly qualified specialists, the vast majority of whom are graduates of the University and the Institute, and who have the degrees of Candidate and Doctor of Economics. In different years, famous scientists and international diplomats worked at the Department, such as S. Berezovenko, V. Voloshyn, H. Bykov, A. Tyshchenko, V. Reshetniak, O. Kopylenko, Z. Cherniak, V. Lysenko, O. Dykyi, Y. Polunieiev, H. Buriak, V. Pryliuk.
Along with the educational process and research work, tutors of the Department of International Business participate as consultants and experts in the work of public authorities, business structures, and business fields not only of our state but also international companies and other subjects of international economic activity, conduct various activities in the public and civil spheres.
Nowadays, the Department of International Business has 16 tutors. Among them, there are 5 Doctors of Economic Sciences and Professors; 11 Candidates of Economic Sciences, Associate Professors, and Assistants.
In addition, employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Development of the Economy, Trade and Agriculture, other government agencies of Ukraine, international organizations, Ukrainian and foreign business structures, and foreign tutors of leading educational institutions of other countries are invited to give lectures, seminars or workshops, etc.
Educational program "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS"
Kyiv, Yu. Illienko (Melnykov) St., 36/1
E-mail address:
Guidance counsellor - Olena Derkach
cab. 305 tel. 481-45-02
Senior laboratory assistant of the Department of International Business - Kateryna Kniazieva
cab. 305 tel. 481-45-02
Senior laboratory assistant of the Department of International Business - Milena Luchina
cab. 305 tel. 481-45-02