Staff and academic interests

Рижков Микола Миколайович
Mykola Ryzhkov
Doctor of Political Sciences
Head of the department, Professor
analysis of foreign policy, international relations, diplomatic and consular service, global (environmental) problems

Courses: Information and Analytical Activities in International Relations, Analysis of Foreign Policy.

Awards: Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine for personal contribution to the training and formation of personnel for the diplomatic service; Diplomas of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv for particularly outstanding services to the Kyiv National University; Laureate of the Golden Fortune Award.

Corresponding Member, Professor of the International Association of Plato's Universities (Greece). Member of the Permanent Commission of Ukraine in the programme "Europe-Asia Dialogue. Platform YES" (Turkey). Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine.

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Researcher ID: ABD-8149-2021

ORCID: 0000-0002-5733-8120

Андрєєва Ольга Миколаївна
Olha Andrieieva
Doctor of Political Sciences
e-government, information business, e-commerce, national security, public information flow management

Courses: Introduction to the Specialty, Fundamentals of Research, National Security, E-Government, Methodology and Organization of Research with the basics of intellectual property.

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Researcher ID: ABC-6420-2021

ORCID: 0000-0003-4587-1267

Піпченко Наталія Олександрівна
Nataliia Pipchenko
Doctor of Political Sciences
foreign policy of USA, EU and Ukraine, international communication, public opinion, diplomatic practice, public and digital diplomacy, communication technologies (ICT), social media, AI tools in diplomacy

Courses: Foreign Policy Communication Technologies, European Communications, Practice of Public Diplomacy of Ukraine, Social Communications and Network Media, International Information. 

Winner of the Taras Shevchenko Prize of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2014).

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Researcher ID: ABB-5477-2020

ORCID: 0000-0003-3759-7085

Бєлоусова Наталія Борисівна
Nataliia Bielousova
PhD in Political Science, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Associate Professor
strategic communication, information and analytical activities in international relations, analysis and visualization of information, international communications, basics of visual communication

Courses: Modeling and Forecasting of International Relations, Information Technologies in Forecasting and Analytical Activities, Information and Analytical Activities in International Relations, Fundamentals of Visual Communication. 

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ORCID: 0000-0002-9656-2942

Добржанська Олена Леонідівна
Olena Dobrzhanska
PhD in Political Science
Associate Professor, Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work Political culture and applied political science
political culture and applied political science

Courses: System Research Methods of International Relations, Information Resources of State Identity.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3362-4533

Запорожець Оксана Юріївна
Oksana Zaporozhets
PhD in Political Science
Associate Professor
manipulation techniques, information warfare, crisis communication, strategic communication

Courses: Crisis Communication, International Information, Information Warfare, Information Operations in International Relations, Critical Thinking. 

ORCID: 0000-0003-0784-9253

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Кучмій Олена Петрівна
Olena Kuchmii
PhD in Political Science
Associate Professor
intercultural communications, cultural diplomacy, information culture, international cultural cooperation, international and state cultural policy

Courses: International Information and Communication, Intercultural Communications, Political Marketing, Corporate Wars, Corporations in International Relations. 

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ORCID: 0000-0002-2634-4114

Литвиненко Наталія Павлівна
Nataliia Lytvynenko
PhD in Economics
Associate Professor
mathematical modeling and forecasting of political and economic processes, regulation of foreign economic activities of countries

Courses: Mathematical Bases of Information Technologies, Applied Research Methods of International Relations, Methods of Decision Making in International Business. 

ORCID: 0009-0008-7125-5496

Матвєєв Володимир Володимирович
Volodymyr Matvieiev
PhD in Technical Sciences
Associate Professor
applying computer technology in educational process

Courses: Modern Information Systems and Technologies, Management of Internet sites. 

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ORCID: 0009-0000-9699-7922

Фролова Оксана Миколаївна
Oksana Frolova
PhD (Political Science)
Associate Professor
international information relations, information and analytical activities in international relations, international communication, information management and marketing

Courses: Information Policy, International Communications and Global Development, Information security, Competitive Intelligence, International Information. 

Google Scholar


Мельничук Наталія Борисівна
Nataliia Melnychuk
PhD (Political Science)
Associate Professor
political conflicts in post-communist countries, the use of mathematical methods in the study of political processes

Courses: Modern Information systems and Technologies, Information Technologies in Forecasting and Analytical Activities, Strategic Communications, Project Management. 

ORCID: 0009-0009-4481-4384 

Зайцева Марія Василівна
Mariia Zaitseva
PhD in Political Science
international information relations, information society, communication technologies, lobbying technologies

Courses: Lobbying Technologies, Information and Analytical Activities in International Relations, Public Administration, Network analysis of Political Communications.

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Researcher ID: ABD-7573-2021
ORCID: 0000-0003-0036-419X

Andrii Sirenko
PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences
information technologies in politics

Courses: Modern Information Systems and Technologies

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Researcher ID: AGR-8475-2022

ORCID: 0000-0003-1171-7894