
Directions of scientific research

  • "international investments, multinational enterprises in the world economy" (Doctor of Economics, Prof. O.I. Rogach);
  • "banks in a transformational system" (Desc. of Economics, Prof. S.A. Tsyganov);
  • "problems of Ukraine's foreign trade" (Doctor of Economics, Prof. I.I. Puzanov);
  • "assessment of the stability of the global financial system" (Doctor of Economics, Prof. Snizhko O.V.);
  • "international portfolio investments" (Doctor of Economics, Prof. Dzyuba P.V.);
  • "regulation of international capital movement" (Science of Economics, Associate Professor N.V. Kuznetsova);
  • "transformation of the world stock markets in the conditions of globalization" (Science of Economics, Assoc. N.V. Farenyuk);
  • "spatial aspects of the global economy, international tax competition" (Science of Economics, Associate Professor V.E. Namonyuk);
  • "problems of global sustainable development, new industrial (resource) revolution" (Science of Economics, Associate Professor O.V. Pidchosa).

Scientific publications

  • Financial Aspects of Global Economic Development: Challenges and Prospects. P.2
  • Financial Aspects of Global Economic Development: Challenges and Prospects. P.1
  • Farenyuk N.V. Monograph "Neofinance of the world economy," 2023, 240 p.
  • We present a new monograph edited by T. Chan, V. Kopiyka and O. Rohach "Globalization and Economic Growth of China"
  • Sidenko S.V., Rogach O.I. International financial centres. Textbook. Centre for educational literature. Kyiv, 2022. 264 p.
  • Th. M. H. Chan, V. Kopiyka, O. Rogach (Eds.) (2022). Globalization and Economic Growth in China. Publishing and Polygraphic Center "Kyiv University". (in the Ukrainian language).
  • O.I. Rogach, P.V. Dzyuba. Fundamentals of international investment management: a textbook / O. I. Rogach, P. V. Dzyuba. – K.: VOC "Kyiv University", 2021. – 319 p.
  • Financialization and Deindustrialization: Impact on Employment. / Chan, T. M. H., Kopiyka, V., & Rogach, O. (Eds.), 2021. Publishing and Polygraphic Center "Kyiv University". ‒ 437 p.
  • Rogach O. Internationalization of the World Economy: Current Trends / Monograph. / Monograph. Edited by E. Siskos and O. Rogach. Kastoria: Evkonomia. 2020, 336 p.
  • Rohach O. Multinational enterprises and global economy. Monograph., edited by O.I Rohacha. K., "Educational Literature Center Publishing House", 2020, 368 p.
  • Puzanov I.I. Collective monograph "Reformation: The Success of Europe and a Chance for Ukraine. Prague: Coretex CZ SE, 2020. - 300 p.
  • Puzanov I.I. Monograph "Methodology of analysis of foreign trade of agricultural products". Prague: Coretex CZ SE, 2020. – 338 c.
  • Dzyuba P. V. Modern trends of FDI flows: regional and branch aspects. Multinational enterprises and the global economy: a monograph / Ed. O. I. Rogacha. Kyiv: "Center for Educational Literature" Publishing House, 2020. P. 83-108.
  • Modern trends in international capital movement: monograph / edited by O.I. Rochacha - K.: TsUL, 2019.
  • O.I. Rogach, Multinational Enterprises. Textbook. K.: VOC Kyiv University. – 2019. – 383 p.
  • Dzyuba P. V. Foreign portfolio investments in Ukraine: problems and implications for the formation of an engagement strategy // Competitive strategies for the security of Ukraine's development in the global environment. Monograph / State University "Institute of Regional Studies named after M. I. Dolishny National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"; in general ed. A. I. Mokiya. – Lviv, 2019. P. 817–853.
  • Rohach O. Theories of international business. Textbook. K.: VOC Kyiv University. - 2018. - 687 p.
  • Puzanov I.I. Methodology of economic and statistical analysis of the formation of foreign trade conditions. Prague, 2018.
  • Rogach O.I., Dzyuba P.V. International portfolio investments. Textbook. K.: VOC Kyiv University. - 2018. - 941 p.
  • Rogach O.I., Namonyuk V.E. World economy: a study guide. - K., 2018. - 279 p.
  • Tsyganov S.A. Innovative Trends in World Trade Development: The Monograph / Edited by Prof. A. P. Rumyantsev. Kyiv, 2018 (in co-authorship)
  • Dzyuba P. V. Modern theory of international portfolio investment: structure and determinants of development: monograph. Kyiv: Agrar Media Group, 2017. 536 p.
  • Podchosa O.V. Peculiarities of the modern stage of transnationalization of the global oil and gas industry: monograph / O.V. Haircut - Zaporizhzhia: NVK "Inter-M" LLC, 2015. - 264 p.
  • Rogach O.I., Namonyuk V.E. World economy: a study guide. - K.: IMV Publishing House, 2014. - 288 p.
  • Global Economy: Issues and Challenges of Post-Crisis Development: Monograph / [Edited by E. Siskos and O. Rogach]. - Kastoria: Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Macedonia, 2014. - 304 p., pp. 156-165
  • Puzanov I.I., Spivak R.V. Structural interaction between the real estate market and foreign trade of Ukraine: monograph / I.I. Puzanov, R.V. Singer. Prague: Coretex CZ SE, 2014. – 330 p.
  • Rogach O.I., Namonyuk V.E. Anisimova O.Yu. World economy: a study guide. - K., 2013. - 288 p.
  • Sustainable development (Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine). Rogach O.I., Korneeva Yu.V., Pidchosa O.V., Kaunas – Szczecin: University of Szczecin Vilnius University. - L.:LAT&K, 2013. - 534 p.
  • Restructuring and ecology: current situation: Country report. O.I. Rogach, Yu.V. Korneeva, O.V. Pidchosa, Vilnius: Vilnius University, 2013.
  • Innovative economic development: processes and phenomena. Tsyganov S.A., D: NSU, 2013. – 612 p.
  • Post-crisis Global Economy: Restoration of Equilibrium. O.I. Rogach, O.V. Haircut K.: Publishing company "Kyiv University", 2013. - 311 p.
  • World finance: current trends and prospects for development. Rogach O.I., Puzanov I.I., Snizhko O.V., Kuznetsova N.V., Pidchosa O.V., Korneeva Yu.V., K.: Kyiv University Publishing and Printing Center, 2013, - 351 p.
  • Terminological Ukrainian-Russian-English dictionary-handbook of an international financier. Podchosa O.V., Zaporizhzhia: "Inter-M", 2013, - 266 p.
  • Development of the Ukrainian labour market. Development of Ukrainian enterprises. Yu.V. Korneeva, O.V. Pidchosa, Vilnius: Vilnius University, 2013. – 299 p.
  • World economy: textbook, part 1 / Rogach O.I., Namonyuk V.E., Anisimova O.Yu. - K.: Publishing House of the Institute of International Relations, 2012. - 186 p.
  • World economy: textbook, part 2 / Rogach O.I., Namonyuk V.E., Anisimova O.Yu. - K.: Publishing House of the Institute of International Relations, 2012. - 171 p.
  • O. I. Rogach, P. V. Dzyuba International investment management: textbook / O. I. Rogach. - K.: Kyiv University Publishing and Printing Center, 2011. - 495 p.
  • Kuznetsova N.V. Control, regulation and liberalization of capital movement in the modern world. K: "Kyiv University", 2011 - 400 p.
  • S.A. Tsyganov, V.O. Syzonenko. Finance and entrepreneurship: Study guide. – Ternopil, 2009.
  • Fundamentals of international finance: Textbook / Ed. O.I. Rogacha. - K.: Center "Kyiv University", 2009.
  • Rohach O.I. Transnational corporations. - K.: Center "Kyiv University", 2009.
  • Kuznetsova N.V. International monetary and credit relations: control over the movement of capital in the modern world. K.: VOC "Kyiv University", 2008. - 446 p.
  • O.V. Snizhko, "Microeconomics and macroeconomics": in 2-h. K., 2007 (in co-authorship);
  • O.I. Rogach "International Investments", K., 2005.
  • Rohach O.I. Transnational corporations in the world economy. - K.: Center "Kyiv University", 2006.
  • Rohach O.I. International Investments: Theory and Business Practice of Transnational Corporations: Textbook. - K.: Lybid, 2005. - 720 p.
  • International Finance: Textbook / Ed. O.I. Rogacha. - K.: Lybid, 2003. - 784 p.
  • O.V. Snizhko and O.P. Romanyuk Macroeconomic policy: electronic textbook for distance learning, K., 2003.
  • Puzanov I.I. Dynamics and structure of foreign trade of transformation economies. - K.: Center "Kyiv University", 2002.
  • Puzanov I.I. Formation of conditions of foreign trade of Ukraine. - K.: Center "Kyiv University", 2002.
  • Rogach O.I., Shnyrkov O.I. Transnationalization of the world economy and transitional economies: Study guide. - K.: Center "Kyiv University", 1999. - 302p.
  • Tsyganov S.A. The banking system of Ukraine in the conditions of the formation of market relations: issues of theory and practice: Monograph. - K.: "Knowledge" Society of Ukraine, 1999. - 200 p.
  • Rogach O.I., Shnyrkov O.I. Developing countries and transnationalization of the world economy: Study guide. - K.: VC "Kyiv University", 1998. - 140p.
  • Rohach O.I. Transnational Corporations and Economic Growth: A Study Guide. - K.: VOC "Kyiv University", 1997. - 144p.
  • Puzanov I.I. in co-authorship: The place and role of joint entrepreneurship in the economy of Ukraine. - K.: Institute of advanced training of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Ukraine, 1996.
  • Puzanov I.I. co-authored: Economy of Ukraine: potential, reforms, prospects (7 chapters). - K.: Lybid, 1996.
  • Rohach O.I. TNCs and economic growth of developing countries: Monograph. - K.: Center "Kyiv University", 1994. - 150p.