
The scientific school was founded by the prominent Ukrainian scientist and diplomat Professor Hlib Tsvetkov. Today it is headed by Professor Volodymyr Manzhola.

The main study trends are: "International processes and world politics", "International security and foreign policy strategies", "European policy and European integration", and "Ukraine in the post-bipolar system of international relations". Fundamental research of the scientific school representatives resulted in innovative developments of integration process development, the process of the EU enlargement in post-bipolar Europe, studying of the "Big Europe" phenomenon in the context of security and political processes at the continent, complex analysis of major powers` role in European integration. Significant input was made in the research of the problems of regional security in the transatlantic region, Eastern Europe, Middle East, and into the analysis of contemporary trends in the sphere of the major powers` nuclear policy and nonproliferation. Much was done in studying and improvement of methodological approaches towards analysis and forecasting of international conflicts and of Ukrainian place and role in the post-bipolar system of international relations. 12 doctorate theses and more than 130 PhD theses were defended according to the above-mentioned study trends. Dozens of monographs and hundreds of articles were issued in Ukraine and abroad. International scientific conferences devoted to current problems of international relations and world politics are regularly held. Annual "Tsvetkov readings" became an important scientific forum.
In the 1990-es methodical school for training specialists in international relations and political sciences which provided two master programs (European policy and International strategies and security) was formed.


Research division

The research division was established in 2001. The division elaborated on the topic "Modeling the role and place of Ukraine in the process of contemporary international relations system transformation" in the framework of the wider topic "International legal, political and economic principles of the development of Ukraine". Since 2006 the division has been elaborating on the topic "The European dimension of the Ukrainian foreign policy in the context of international relations" (scientific supervisor of the division – Doctor of History, Professor Volodymyr Manzhola). Today the Research division embraces 7 persons (of whom 1 is a Doctor of History - Volodymyr Manzhola, 5 are (Candidates of Political Sciences) – S. Bozhko, N. Vesela, A. Humeniuk, K. Denysenko, O. Khylko, and one specialist in political sciences V.Dalskyi). They are active in the theoretic and applied activity of the Department: they take part in national and international scientific conferences, seminars, round tables, and practice pedagogical activity. The division prepared a series of analytic materials ordered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine devoted to the topic of Ukrainian policy of European integration, elaboration of the New Enhanced Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, and implementation of the EU Eastern Partnership initiative. The research fellows are the authors and co-authors of 5 manuals and study guides, 3 monographs, a series of articles in the Ukrainian diplomatic encyclopedia and articles in scientific editions devoted to international relations.


Postgraduate and doctorate education

Postgraduate and doctorate education plays a key role for the International relations and foreign policy department in enhancing the best scientific traditions. Postgraduate and doctorate prepare scientific and pedagogical staff of the highest qualification for the Institute of international relations of the Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, and other profile academic and scientific institutions. Graduates who successfully defended their thesis work all over Ukraine as well as in many other states of the world such as Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Guinea, Greece, Lebanon, Libya, Comoros, Madagascar, Syria, Tanzania, Chad Republic, Sweden, Yugoslavia and others. From the moment of the Institute's establishment, 12 doctorate theses and over 130 (PhD theses) were prepared. Postgraduate and doctorate fellows play active roles in the research activity of the Department. All the Department professors, who were graduates of the doctorate, defended their theses: V.Manzhola, O. Koppel, VKrushynskyi, S.Halaka, O.Parkhomchuk.


"The Tsvetkov readings". International conferences

Annual "Tsvyetkov readings" became a tradition and foresee participation of venerablе as well as young scientists in the international relations sphere from Ukraine and other countries. The readings take place in the first half of November and commemorate the anniversary of the death of the famous scientist. The Department organized (or was a co-organiser of) a great number of international scientific conferences, among which are "Yalta-2000", "Modeling of international relations", "European choice and multidimensional policy: the problem of coexistence in the foreign policy of Ukraine", "The experience of the Visegrad Group and foreign policy of Ukraine", "Ukraine, Poland and NATO: Regional security of the Central European countries in the period of NATO transformation", "European Security in new geopolitical environment", "The role of NATO in the modern world", "Ukraine in the post-bipolar system of international relations", "The European Union as a new neighbor: opportunities, challenges and frontiers", "The EU Enlargement and national interests of Ukraine", "Poland and Ukraine in the face of the new challenges: integration processes in the Central and Eastern Europe", "Ukraine and problems of differentiation in the European Union Neighborhood Policy", "Ukraine and the problem of differentiation in European Union policy", etc. The Department researchers and senior students regularly take part in the annual "NATO Academies" in Kyiv, Donetsk, Lviv, and Odesa. The Department organizes a number of student scientific conferences and seminars, in particular in the framework of "The Tsvetkov readings".

"Essays on French Foreign Policy: Reconstructing Emmanuel Macron's Perspective" was held by the 3rd year students of the educational programme "International Relations" of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2024)