Staff and academic interests

Константинов Віктор Юрійович
Viktor Konstantynov
Candidate of Political Sciences
Head of the Department, Associate Professor
specialist in international regionalism, regional security and stability, regional cooperation in the post-Soviet space, methodology of international relations research

In 1995 he graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In 2000 he defended his PhD thesis.

Since 1997, he has been an assistant professor, since 2003 - associate professor of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy, in 2003-2008 - academic secretary of the Specialized Academic Council in the specialty "Political Problems of International Systems and Global Development".

Author of more than 70 scientific works.

Валерій Володимирович Копійка
Valerii Kopiika
Doctor of Political Science
Director of the Institute of International Relations, Professor
issues of European integration and foreign policy of Western Europe

Graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and International Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (1984). In 1990 he defended his PhD thesis and in 2004 his doctoral dissertation.

After completing his postgraduate studies, he worked as an assistant professor since 1990, associate professor since 1996, and professor of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy since 2007.

Since 2007, he has been the Deputy Director of the IIR for Academic Affairs, and since 2009, the Director of the IIR. From 2012 to December 2015 (Order No. 08-1979-04 of 02.12.2015), he was the Acting Head of the Department of International Media Communications and Communication Technologies of the Department of International Information.

He has held internships and lectured at higher education and research institutions in Belgium (Free University of Brussels), the United Kingdom (University of Hull), Bulgaria (Neophyt Rylski South-Western University, Blagoevgrad), Russia (Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, IMEMS of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

He was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. He has prepared 6 candidates of sciences.

Google Scholar

Манжола Володимир Андрійович
Volodymyr Manzhola
Doctor of Historical Sciences
specialist in modern international relations, geopolitics, international and European security, foreign policy of Ukraine and France

In 1977 he graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and International Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In 1983 he defended his PhD thesis and in 1993 his doctoral dissertation.

In 1977-1980 he worked as a translator in Guinea and Algeria.

After completing his postgraduate studies, he became an assistant professor in 1984, an associate professor in 1987, and a head of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy in 1994-1998 and 2001.

1998 - 2001 - Counselor at the Embassy of Ukraine in the French Republic.


He has held internships and lectured at higher education and research institutions in France (Sorbonne University, Paris-2/Pantheon-Assas; Institute of Political Science, French Institute of International Relations), Belgium (Free University of Brussels), the United Kingdom. Brussels), the United Kingdom (Royal Institute of International Affairs/Chatham House, London School of Economics), the United States (Harvard University), Bulgaria (Neophyt Rylski Southwestern University, Blagoevgrad), Russia (Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) / MGIMO, Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, IMEMS of the Russian Academy of Sciences).


Member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Chairman of the Specialized Academic Council.

He was awarded the Honorary Award of the III degree of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine "For significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian diplomacy and successful protection of Ukraine's interests in the international arena" in 2004.

Author of more than 130 scientific publications.

He has trained 3 doctors and more than 15 candidates of science.

Галака Сергій Павлович
Serhiy Halaka
Doctor of Political Science
specialist in US foreign policy, nuclear non-proliferation, international and regional security issues

In 1978 he graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and International Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In 1987 he defended his PhD thesis, and in 2006 - his doctoral dissertation.

Since 1984, he has been an assistant professor, since 1992 - associate professor, since 2007 - professor of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy.

He has held internships at the University of Monterey (Monterey), the University of Maryland (College Park), Harvard University (USA), and the Center for International Relations Studies (CERI, Paris, France). In 2000-2001, he lectured at the NATO Defense College (Rome, Italy).

He is the author of more than 70 scientific papers.

He has prepared 3 PhDs.

Коппель Олена Арнольдівна
Olena Koppel
Doctor of Historical Sciences
specialist in the field of political problems of international systems and global development, international relations in the Middle East, megatrends in world politics

In 1977, she graduated from the Faculty of History of Kyiv State University named after T.G. Shevchenko.

In 1981, she defended her candidate dissertation, and in 1999, her doctoral dissertation.

Since 1980, she has been an assistant, since 1985, an associate professor, and since 1999, a professor at the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy.

In 2000, she completed an internship at the University of Münster (Germany).

In 2000 and 2011, she was recognized as the best lecturer at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology (2012).

Awarded the title of "Veteran of Labor of Kyiv University" (2007). Awarded the Commemorative Medal of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Awarded an honorary diploma by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, and an honorary distinction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine III degree for many years of diligent work in training international specialists and on the occasion of Diplomatic Service Day (2010).

Awarded Honorary Diplomas of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (1986, 1989, 2009, 2020) for particularly outstanding merits to Kyiv University.

Received a grant from the "Philip Morris Ukraine" foundation (2000).

Author of over 170 scientific works.

Under her scientific supervision, more than 30 candidates of sciences, 1 doctor of sciences, and 4 doctors of philosophy (Ph.D.) have defended their dissertations.



ORCID: 0000-0001-6297-5610

Google Scholar

Пархомчук Олена Станіславівна
Olena Parkhomchuk
Doctor of Political Science
Specialist in the historical development of international systems, issues of war and peace, demilitarization and conversion, megatrends of world politics and global development

In 1988, she graduated from the Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology at Kyiv State University named after T.H. Shevchenko.  

In 1992, she defended her candidate dissertation.  

In 2006, she defended her doctoral dissertation.  

Since 1992, she has been an assistant, and since 1999, an associate professor at the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy. In 2012, she received the title of Professor at the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy.  

In 2001, she underwent an internship in Hull, United Kingdom.  

In 2012, she received the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology.  

She has supervised 7 Ph.D. candidates.  

She is the author of over 120 scientific works and two sole-authored monographs.  

She is the author of 6 textbooks and teaching aids.

Google Scholar 

ORCID ID 0000-0001-6261-3580

Scopus Author ID 57610886800

Web of Science ResearcherID: ABJ-3829-2022

Перепелиця Григорій Миколайович
Hryhoriy Perepelytsia
Doctor of Political Science
specialist in the field of foreign and military policy, research of military-political conflicts, foreign policy of Ukraine

In 1976, he graduated from the Kyiv Higher Naval Political School, and in 1984 from the Lenin Military Academy with a degree in military education, specializing in social sciences.

In 1990 he defended his PhD thesis and in 1996 his doctoral dissertation.

Since 1984 he has been teaching at the Kyiv Higher Naval School.

Since 1995, he has been the Head of the Military Policy Department, and since 2003 - Deputy Director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies.

Since 2006 - Professor of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy.


Author of more than 120 scientific works.

He has prepared 9 PhDs.

Андрущенко Світлана Вікторівна
Svitlana Andrushchenko
Candidate of Political Sciences
Associate Professor
researches geopolitical issues, modern aspects of international and regional security, energy issues in international relations, environmental factor in international relations

In 1998 she graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In 2001 she defended her PhD thesis.

Since 1998 - Assistant, since 2004 - Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy.

In 1998, she was an intern at the University of Hull (UK), and in 2002 at York University in Toronoto (Canada).

In 2003 she was awarded a diploma of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in 2004 - a grant from the President of Ukraine for young scientists.


She is the author of more than 70 scientific papers.

Каменецький Максим Станіславович
Maxim Kamenetsky
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Associate Professor
specialist in international relations in the Balkan-Adriatic region, international relations theory, foreign policy analysis

In 1986 he graduated from the Faculty of History of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In 1991 he defended his PhD thesis.

Since 1989 he has been an assistant, since 1997 an associate professor of the Faculty of History, since 1998 an associate professor of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy.

He has held internships at universities in Canada, Serbia, Germany, Finland, and Croatia. He lectured at the University of Zagreb (Croatia).

He is a translator from Croatian and Serbian.

Author of more than 60 scientific papers.

Капітоненко Микола Геннадійович
Mykola Kapitonenko
Candidate of Political Sciences
Associate Professor
specialist in conflictology and negotiation theory; history of international relations; current issues of Ukraine's foreign policy; theory of international relations

In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In 2004 he defended his PhD thesis.

Since 2001 he has been an assistant professor, since 2006 - associate professor of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy.

Since 2001, he has been the Executive Director of the Center for International Relations.

In 2005, he taught courses on conflictology and ethnic conflicts at the University of Iowa (USA).


Winner of the 2004 Kyiv National University Prize and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Scholarship for Young Scientists.

Author of more than 60 scientific papers.

Мінгазутдінов Ігор Олександрович
Igor Mingazutdinov
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Associate Professor
specialist in international and European security, ethnic factor in international relations, current trends in international relations, foreign policy of the United Kingdom

In 1984 he graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and International Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In 1987 he defended his PhD thesis.

In 1987-91, he was a researcher at the Institute of Social and Economic Problems of Foreign Countries of the Ukrainian SSR, in 1992-1993 - Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in 1993-1995 - 2nd, 1st Secretary of the Department of Europe and America of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Since 1995 - Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy.

Since 2000 - Director of the Innovation Center for International Educational Programs "INCOS".

In 1991-1992, he was a Visiting Researcher at the Faculty of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick (Coventry, UK). In 1994, he completed a refresher course at the Vienna Diplomatic Academy (Vienna, Austria). He lectured at the Diplomatic Academy of the People's Republic of China (Beijing).


Author of more than 80 scientific papers.

He has prepared 4 PhDs.

Миронова Маргарита Анатоліївна
Margarita Mironova
Candidate of Political Sciences
Associate Professor
specialist in European politics, international and European security, foreign policy of Ukraine, US foreign policy, transatlantic relations

In 1998 she graduated from the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In 2007 she defended her PhD thesis.

Since 2001, she has been an assistant, and since 2009, an associate professor at the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy.


She has held internships at the Free University of Brussels (Belgium) and York University (Toronto, Canada).

She is the author of more than 30 scientific papers.

Суботін Андрій Анатолійович
Andriy Subotin
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Associate Professor
specialist in the theory of international relations, European politics, and German foreign policy

In 1986, he graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and International Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and in 1990 he defended his PhD.

In 1989 - 2005 he was an assistant professor, since 2005 - associate professor of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy.


He did internships at the universities of Münster and Regensburg (Germany).

Author of more than 50 scientific publications.

Маковський Сергій Олегович
Sergiy Makovskiy
Candidate of Political Sciences
Associate Professor
specialist in European integration, foreign policy of Ukraine and European countries, history of international relations and world politics

In 2002 he graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Since 2002, he has been a political scientist of the second category of the research department, since 2006 - an assistant at the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy.


He was a university intern at York University in Toronoto, Canada.

Author of 20 scientific papers.

Денисенко Ксенія Юріївна
Ksenia Denysenko
Candidate of Political Sciences
Associate Professor
specialist in European politics, French foreign policy, geopolitics, international relations and world politics

In 2005, she graduated from the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Since 2008, she has been a political scientist of the first category of the research department. In 2009 she defended her PhD thesis.

Since 2011 - Junior Researcher at the Research Department of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

Since 2012 - Assistant of the Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy.

In 2011, she was awarded the Diploma of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the series of works "Geopolitical Contours of Europe".


Author of more than 20 scientific papers.

Весела Наталія Миколаївна
Natalia Vesela
Candidate of Political Sciences
Associate Professor
specialist in international relations in Latin America, integration of Latin American countries, foreign policy of Ukraine, current issues of international relations

In 1998, she graduated from the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In 2002 she defended her PhD thesis.

Since 2001, she has been a junior researcher at the Research Department of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.


She did an internship at York University (Toronto, Canada). Since 2010 - Assistant Professor of International Relations and Foreign Policy.

Author of more than 30 scientific papers.

Дальський Володимир Борисович
Volodymyr Dalskii
specialist in the field of foreign policy of Ukraine, international relations in the Mediterranean space
Швечикова-Плавська Ярослава Павлівна
Yaroslava Shvechikova-Plavska
Candidate of Political Sciences
specialist in the field of regional security, in particular in the European region and the post-Soviet space

In 2014, she graduated from the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

In 2018, she defended her PhD thesis.

Since 2019, she has been working as an assistant.


She is the author of more than 15 scientific papers.

Вілкова Дар'я Сергіївна
Daria Vilkova
Halyna Mingazutdinova
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Assistant
specialist in the field of US foreign policy, international and regional security issues, particularly in the post-Soviet space

In 2011, she graduated from the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University.

In 2017, she defended her PhD thesis.

From 2023 - assistant.

Author of more than 20 scientific works.