Lecture of jurist from the Republic of Croatia on "European Union: From War to War, to Croatia, to Ukraine, to Peace"

Україна ЄС Хорватія

On April 18, 2024, at 9:30 a.m., the MS Teams class of Prof. V. Kopiyka (second semester 4IR) "The European Union in International Relations" will feature a lecture by the lawyer from the Republic of Croatia, Maja Cvitan Grubišin, on the topic "The European Union: From War to War, to Croatia, to Ukraine, to Peace." 

During Croatia's accession to the EU, Maja Cvitan Grubišin was part of the team in charge of fulfilling the requirements for her country's accession to the EU. Later, as the State Secretary of the Ministry of Justice of Croatia and Deputy to the Minister of Justice she continued working on strategic reforms related to europeization of croatian judicial system.

The language of the lecture is English.

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