Meeting of the circle on private law on the topic: "Virtual assets as a kind of digital thing"


The Department of Private International Law invites you to the private law circle "Privatechallenges."

The purpose of the circle is to create a platform for discussion of private law issues in the student society.

The second meeting of the circle on "Virtual assets as a kind of digital thing" will be held on April 15 at 14:00 in hall 31.


Dmytro Nikolaevsky is a lawyer, a lawyer of the project office of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, one of the authors of the bill on the circulation of virtual assets from the Ministry of Digital Development.

Sofia Palamarchuk is a 2 IL student.

We will discuss:

  1. Variety of virtual assets as обʼєктів of civil rights (digital things);
  2. Classification of virtual assets and criteria for such classification;
  3. Correlation of economic and legal nature;
  4. Bills 10225 and 10225-1.

For those wishing to join remotely, link is here.