Visit of the School of Young Ukrainian Diplomat to the Department of Public Diplomacy of the MFA


At the invitation of the Director of the Department of Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ms Victoria Lyalina-Boyko, representatives of the School of Young Ukrainian Diplomat of the Educational and Research Institute of International Relations of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv met with the Deputy Director of the Department of Public Diplomacy, Consul General of Ukraine in Düsseldorf, Ms Iryna Shum and Third Secretary Kateryna Rushchak, and visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

The meeting with the diplomats took place at the Hennadii Udovenko Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine at the MFA. During the conversation, the young people learnt about the specifics of the profession, responsibilities and the variety of skills and areas of activity of a diplomat.

‘A diplomat lives several lives and masters different professions during his career.’


Ms Iryna told the audience about Ukraine's public diplomacy, its main directions and challenges faced by diplomats after the full-scale invasion, proactive communication of Ukrainian embassies, as well as the synergy of efforts of all participants involved in public diplomacy

‘Each of us is a drop in the sea, but together we are an ocean.’

Young people were interested to learn about communication campaigns and projects implemented by the Department of Public Diplomacy, namely:

  • Grain from Ukraine, 
  • Together we Rise,
  • Boycott Russian Sport
  • Free the Leopards
  • Eurovision Song Contest 2024
  • PatriotsSaveLives.

Also, during the conversation, the participants had many questions, and we are sincerely grateful to Ms. Iryna for her comprehensive answers.

The visit of the representatives of the School of Young Ukrainian Diplomat also included a tour of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. We are sincerely grateful to Ms Kateryna Rushchak for her time and interesting story about the history of the building, the peculiarities of work in wartime, the exhibition expositions and the opportunity for young people to feel like diplomats!


Such visits are aimed at creating conditions for Ukrainian youth to make a conscious choice of a career, learn about the processes of state-building, and promote diplomatic and civil service, which is in line with the principles of Ukraine's youth policy.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Andriy Sybiga, has named one of the first priorities of the changes in the MFA as the recruitment of talented young people to the diplomatic service, who should become our generation of victory.

In addition, the MFA has announced a competition for 50 vacant entry-level diplomatic career positions for young people who want to become part of a team and benefit their country. 
The MFA also provides internship opportunities for students, starting from the first year of study.


According to the Minister: ‘The diplomatic profession should be open to professional, decent, patriotic young people.
people. The desire to benefit Ukraine, strengthen its defence capabilities and counter Russian aggression, defend our country in the international arena, promote its interests, protect our citizens abroad and promote Ukrainian exports - these are the motivations needed.’

The School of Young Ukrainian Diplomat expresses its sincere gratitude to the Department of Public Diplomacy for organising the visit, namely to its Director Viktoriia Lyalina-Boyko, Deputy Director Iryna Shum, and Third Secretary Kateryna Rushchak.
Today, the young people assured us that they will return to the Ministry to start their diplomatic careers!