Research and international activity

The main directions of scientific research of the Chair are " Country Studies Analysis in International Relations", " Geopolitics and Geostrategy of Countries in the World", and "Foreign Policy of Countries (Regions)." The results of basic research of the teaching staff of the Chair became dissertations, monographs and articles that analyze:

  • Processes of obtaining regional leadership and geopolitical influence of the state (for example, China, India and Germany);
  • Features of implementation of security interests in the state foreign policy;
  • The impact of migration on the development and implementation of the foreign policy of Ukraine;
  • The role of the personal factor in the formulation of foreign policies (for example in Latin America);
  • Causes of modern regional conflicts and optimal models of their settlement (for example, in the former Soviet Union countries).

According to the research areas of the Chair, 3 doctoral and more than 20 PhD dissertations were defeated. The staff of the Chair published dozens of books and hundreds of articles in Ukraine and abroad. The Chair of International Regional Studies regularly hosts international scientific conferences on advanced topics in the country studies research.


The Chair of International Regional Studies is running the following projects:

African Seminar, founded in 2008, provides lectures, round tables, conferences and meetings on advanced topics in African studies, the political and social and economic development of North, South and sub-Saharan Africa. Events of the Seminar are held with the assistance of diplomatic missions of African states accredited to Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and different NGOs.

Chief of the African Seminar:

Oleksandr Mishyn, PhD in Political Science, Assistant Professor at the Chair of International Regional Studies

+38 (044) 481-45-32


Centre of Indology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, founded in 2012, is supported by the Embassy of the Republic of India to Ukraine and operates on the basis of the Chair of International Regional Studies. Due to the activities of the Centre, students and PhD students of Taras Shevchenko the National University of Kyiv have the opportunity to participate in the lectures of the professors representing the leading universities in India and in joint events organized by the diplomatic mission of India and ES IIR.

Chief of the Centre of Indology:

Pavlo Ignatiev, Doctor of Political Science, Professor at the Chair of International Regional Studies

+38 (044) 481-45-32


Monographs of the scientific stuff of the Chair

Doroshko M.S. Russia's undeclared wars against Ukraine in the 20th – at the beginning of the 21st centuries: causes and consequences. 2nd edition, stereotypical. - Kyiv: "Nika-Centre", 2020. - 192 p.

Doroshko M.S. Ukrainian-Polish relations under the conditions of hybrid security threats: Monograph / [V. Baliuk, M. Doroshko, V. Kopiika and others]; Scientific editors V. Baliuk, M. Doroshko. - Kyiv: Nika-Centre; Lublin: UMKS Publishing House, 2019. - 280 p.

Doroshko M.S. Russia's hybrid war against Ukraine after the Revolution of Dignity / M.S. Doroshko, V.V. Kopiika, V. Baliuk. - Kyiv: "Nika-Centre", 2018. - 280 p.

Association as a new format of relations between Ukraine and the European Union: political, legal, economic and information aspects / General editors V.V. Kopiika and M.S. Doroshko.- Kyiv: VPC "Kyiv University", 2018. - 388 p.

Doroshko M.S. Hybrid war of Russia against Ukraine: historical and political research / V.I. Holovchenko, M.S. Doroshko; Edited by M.S. Doroshko. - Кyiv: "Nika-Centre", 2016. - 184 p.

Ukraine in international integration processes. Monograph / V.V.Kopiyka, M.S.Doroshko, V.I.Holovchenko and others. – Kyiv: Publishing and Printing Center "Kyiv University", 2015. - 575 p.

Doroshko M.S. Communist party-state nomenclature of Soviet Ukraine in the 20-30 years of the ХХ century: Sociohistorical analysis. Monograph. – Kyiv  .: Publishing and Printing Center "Kyiv University", 2004. - 154 p.

Doroshko M.S. Nomenclature: the top leadership of Soviet Ukraine (1917-1938): Monograph. - 2nd ed., Ext. - Kyiv: Nick Center, 2012. - 368 p.

Kryvonos R. Germany in the structure of European cooperation: Monograph. – Kyiv: Publishing and Printing Center "Kyiv University", 2004. - 166 p.


Textbooks of the lecturers of the Chair:

But S.A. Scientific and methodical complex of discipline "Religious factor in interstate relations of the countries of Asia, Africa and Oceania," Kyiv 2024. - 82 p.

Doroshko Mykola. History of Ukraine. The course of lectures. - Kyiv: "Summit-Book", 2021. - 472 p.

Regional Studies: Countries of the Baltic - Black Sea Area. - Kyiv: "Nika-Centre", 2020. - 288 p.

Regional Studies: Countries of the Baltic - Black Sea Area: Textbook. - Kyiv: "Nika-Centre", 2019. - 248 p.

Introduction to International Regional Studies. Textbook. - Kyiv: VPC “Kyiv University", 2018. - 255 p.

Regional studies. Textbook / M.S. Doroshko, P.M. Ignatiev, B.O. Cherkas, P.V. Bovsunivskyi, I.O. Voloshenko, O.A. Kravchuk, R.A. Krynovos, N.F. Serbina, Iu.A. Tsyrfa. – 2nd ed., add. - Kyiv: «Ukrblankovydav» Publishing House, 2017. - 492 p.

Introduction to university studies: Country studies. Textbook; ed. Doroshko M.S. – Kyiv, IIR, 2016. – 250 p.

Regional Studies: Textbook / V.V. Kopiyka, V.P.Kryzhanivsky, M.S.Doroshko and others. – Kyiv: Publishing and Printing Center "Kyiv University", 2014. - 642 p.

Country Studies: Textbook / V.I.Holovchenko, M.S.Doroshko, P.M.Ignatyev et al.; ed. V.P.Kryzhanivskyi and V.I.Holovchenko. - K.: Publishing centre "Kyiv University" 2009. - 509 p.

Country Studies: Textbook / V.P. Kryzhanivskyi, M.S. Doroshko, V.I. Golovchenko, and others.; ed. M.S. Doroshko. - 2nd ed., - K.: Znannya, 2012. - 439 p. + 16 sec. (Map).

Country Studies: CIS countries, Europe and North America: Training handbook / M.S. Doroshko, R.A. Kryvonos, V.P. Kryzhanivskyi, N.F.Serbina. - K.: Nick Center, 2009. - 312 p.

Country Studies: Countries of the former Soviet Union, Europe and North America / M.S.Doroshko, R.A.Kryvonos, V.P.Kryzhanivskyi, N.F.Serbina. - K.: Publishing centre "Kyiv University", 2012. - 335 p.

Democratic Governance and Culture for Peace: Teaching Complex/authors: Kryzhanivskyi V.P., Golovchenko V.I., Doroshko M.S., Serbina N.F., Krivonos R.A. - K.: IIR 2006. - 327 p.

Country Studies: Textbook / Doroshko M.S., Yesdauletova A.M., Kryzhanovskyi V.P. and others. (red. Doroshko M.S.). - Astana and Kiev, 2012. - 504 p.

Political development and political systems in the Arab world / Bovsunovskyy P. - K .: CUP "Kyiv University", 2013. - 207 p.

Country Studies: Asia, Africa, Latin America, Australia and Oceania: Textbook / Holovchenko V., Kravchuk O. - K.: "Nichlava", 2006.

Country Studies. CIS and Baltic countries: Textbook. / Doroshko M.S. - Chernyvtsy: Knyhy - XXI, 2008. -312p.

The geopolitical environment and geopolitical orientation of the CIS countries: Training handbook. / Doroshko M.S .- Kyiv: Textbook Centre, 2011. - 204 p. (Labeled with MES of Ukraine)

Doroshko M.S. The problems of national and global security of the CIS countries. Training complex. - K .: IIR, 2009. - 216 p.

Doroshko M.S. Geopolitical interests and foreign policy of the post-Soviet space: Training handbook. - K.: Nick Center, 2012. - 228 p.

Ihnatiev P.M. The geopolitical and geoeconomic interests in world politics: Textbook. - Kyiv - Chernivtsi: Books XXI. - 363 p.

Kryvonos R. A. Integration processes in Europe and North America: Textbook. - K .: IIR, 2007. - 44 p.

International relations and world politics: Textbook / Head of authors team V.Iy.Krushynytskyy; editor V.A.Manzhola. - K .: Publishing and Printing Center "Kyiv University", 2010. - 863 p.

International Systems and Global Development: Textbook / Head of authors team O.A.Koppel; editors L.V.Huberskyy, V.A.Manzhola. - K .: Publishing and Printing Center "Kyiv University", 2008. - 606 p.

Serbina N., Kryvonos R. Small European countries: Textbook. - K .: IIR, 2007. - 75 p.


International Scientific Relations

The Chair of International Regional Studies is the basic chair of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations regarding cooperation with foreign diplomatic missions, governmental and non-governmental organizations on issues of the days of culture of foreign countries, celebrating key dates of foreign countries, hosting conferences, roundtables, public lectures by leading national and international experts and diplomats on country studies / regional studies topics. The Chair fellows are involved in international scientific and scientific and practical professional conferences.

In 2012, a joint research programme was launched by the Chair of International Regional Studies of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the Department of International Relations of M.S. Gumilev Eurasian National University (Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan). Thanks to this, a textbook in cooperation with M.S. Gumilev Eurasian National University was issued (Country Studies: Textbook / Doroshko N.S., Yesdauletova A.M., Kryzhanovskyi V.P. and others. (ed. Doroshko N.S.). - Astana and Kyiv, 2012. - 504 p. (in Russian)).

In 2017-2021, the Chair of International Regional Studies was the main executor of the EU project Erasmus+KA2 ‘Rethinking of regional studies: Ties between the Baltic and Black Seas / Baltic-Black Sea Region’ under the Grant Agreement 2017-2883/001-001 (academic project coordinator - Professor M.S. Doroshko, administrative coordinator – Assistant Professor Cherkas B.O.).

In 2021, the project of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine No. 21DP048-01 ‘Study of social and humanitarian factors of reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine in the context of global and regional challenges’ is implemented (among the executors – Professor M.S. Doroshko and Assistant Professor Cherkas B.O.).