National competition of students' scientific works of International Economic Relations specialization
According to the decree № 1271 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated back to 04.10.2019 and to the decree № 131-32 of the Chancellor of Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv dated back to 20 February 2020 оn organizing the second round of the Nationwide competition of student research papers in the speciality “International economic relations" in the 2019/2020 academic year, the final stage of the second round of the Nationwide competition of student research papers in the speciality "International Economic Relations" took place in the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv on May 28-30, 2020.
20 students were invited to participate in the final online scientific-practical conference. 18 students from 12 higher educational institutions in Ukraine made reports in the form of video presentations of their scientific works. The sectoral competition commission was attended by 30 leading research workers from 17 higher educational institutions in Ukraine and representatives of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv. The score of the candidate for victory in the competition was determined by the sum of points received for the speech at the scientific-practical conference (maximum 10 points from one member of the sectoral competition commission).
Diplomas and certificates will be sent to the contest participants in June 2020.
Congratulations to the winners of the Nationwide competition of student research papers in the speciality "International Economic Relations". We wish you endless creativity, inspiration, professional growth, and more new victories!
By May 27, 2020, the competition commission received 16 video presentations of the works of the participants for the 2nd stage of the competition (15 participants were invited to the 2nd stage according to the previous decision of the sectoral commission, 1 work was recommended to participate by the decision of the appellate commission).
The work papers can be found in the following link.
The results of the 2nd stage of the second round of the Nationwide competition of student research papers in the speciality "International Economic Relations" will be published on the website on June 2, 2020.
With due regards,
Organizing Committee
Results of the first stage of the second round.
Nationwide competition of student research papers in the speciality "International Economic Relations"
According to the decree №1271 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated back to 04.10.2019 and to the decree №131-32 of the Chancellor of Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv dated back to February 20, 2020, on organizing the Nationwide competition of student research papers in the speciality "International Economic Relations" in the 2019/2020 academic year, the first stage of the second round of the Nationwide competition of student research papers in the speciality "International Economic Relations" took place in the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv in March-April 2020.
The competition received 63 student research papers. 70 students took part in writing these papers. The sectoral competition commission of the second round of the Nationwide competition of student research papers in the speciality "International Economic Relations" in the 2019/2020 academic year, which was formed at the request of the higher educational institutions of Ukraine and approved by the decree № 231-32 of the Chancellor of the University on February 20, 2020, included 30 leading scientific workers from 17 universities of Ukraine and three departments of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv.
Each paper was reviewed by two independent members of the sectoral competition commission on a 100-point scale, followed by a total score (maximum 200 points) and a rating of student research papers.
Based on the discussion of the results after reviewing student research papers, the sectoral competition commission, which chooses candidates for victory in the Nationwide competition of student research papers in the speciality "International Economic Relations" in the 2019/2020 academic year, identified and invited to participate in the second stage of the second round of the Nationwide competition the authors of 15 student papers, which took 1-15 places in the ranking of student research papers in the speciality "International Economic Relations".
Due to the introduction and extension of quarantine and following the letter of the DNU "Institute for Modernization of the Content of Education" №22.1 / 10-778 dated back to 31.03.2020 the sectoral competition commission of the Nationwide competition of student research papers in the speciality "International Economic Relations" has decided to organize the 2nd stage of the second round of the competition in the 2019/2020 academic year online.
All those who were invited to participate in the 2nd stage of the competition are recommended to record a video or video presentation presenting the main results of the research for the competition (5-7 minutes). These materials must be sent by May 27, 2020, to the e-mail address of the organizing committee of the contest After receiving all the materials, they will be displayed for free access, where everyone will have the opportunity to see the presentation of all works under competition. Until May 31, 2020, all presentations will be evaluated by the sectoral competition commission, after which the results will be published on the website of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv.
With due regards,
Organizing Committee
In order to form a generation of young scientists and practitioners in the field of international economic relations, to promote the realization of their abilities and to intensify the work of scientific research by students, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 04.10.2019 № 1271 the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv has been appointed as a basic higher educational institution for the holding of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the speciality "International Economic Relations".
The competition will be held in two stages:
- the first stage - until March 9, 2020 - in absentia (review of research papers);
- the second stage - the beginning of April 2020 – in person in the form of a scientific-practical conference (defence of works by applicants for victory).
Scientific research student works that meet the requirements set by the Regulations on the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific research works in the fields of knowledge and specialities, which is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 18.04.2017 № 605, are accepted for participation in the Competition.
Attention! According to provisions 3.1-3.7 of the Regulation, scientific research work shall be done in Ukrainian, and shall have a title, content, introduction, main part, conclusions, list of sources used, as well as an annotation indicating the relevance, purpose, objectives, research methodology and general characteristics of work; the text shall be typed in Times New Roman font, line spacing 1.5, size 14, A4 sheet; margins: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm; the volume of work shall not exceed 30 pages without taking into account the list of sources used and appendices. The title page of the scientific research work shall consist only of the title of the work and the code (code - no more than two words), which replaces the surnames, initials of the author (authors), academic supervisor and the name of the higher educational institution. Together with the work, but in a separate sealed envelope (package) under the same code, information about the author (authors), and academic supervisor of the work shall be sent, as well as copies of patents, scientific articles of the author (authors), if existent, etc.
In order to determine the coincidence between the text and textual borrowings without references to primary sources, together with the paper version of the work an electronic version shall be sent (identical to the one sent in paper format; shall be sent in a single Word document with the title consisting the working code; information about the author (authors) and supervisor shall not be sent) via an electronic media (CD, RW) or to the e-mail address of the organizing committee of the Competition with mandatory completion of the form.
Scientific research papers by students (not more than three papers from the university) to participate in the II round of the competition shall be submitted until February 7, 2020 (the date of sending is set by postmark).
The authors of the best works will be invited to participate in the final scientific-practical conference, which will take place in April 2020. Conference participants shall present their reports on the results of their research, which are reflected in the competition work. The Commission shall decide on the results of the Competition after hearing the scientific research reports.
Invitations will be sent out after March 10, 2020. All expenses related to the student’s participation in the final conference shall be covered by the higher educational institution, which has sent a participant to the second round (provision 7.3. of Regulations on the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific research works in the fields of knowledge and specialities, which is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 18.04.2017 № 605).
Scientific research papers shall be sent to the address:
Str. Yuriy Illienko, 36/1,
The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Institute of International Relations,
Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations,
auditorium 313,
with the note "All-Ukrainian competition "International Economic Relations".
Official letters from higher educational institutions for inclusion in the Sectoral Competition Commission shall be sent by November 29, 2019, to the address:
Str. Yuriy Illienko, 36/1,
The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Institute of International Relations,
Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations,
auditorium 313,
with the note "All-Ukrainian competition "International Economic Relations".
Contact Information:
Regarding the inclusion in the Sectoral and the Appeal Commission: +38 044 481 4512, +38 097 886 53 89
On issues of submission and presentation of student research papers: +38 050 922 5321.
Here you can read the documents mentioned:
Regulations on the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialities
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 04.10.2019 № 1010 “On holding the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialities in the 2019/2020 academic year”