Teaching staff

Дайнеко Валентина Вікторівна
Valentyna Daineko
PhD in Philological Sciences, Professor
Head of Department
paired phrases of the modern English language, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication (the language of international documents and diplomatic correspondence)

Disciplines: specialty language, theory and practice of translation.

Education: Kyiv State University named after T.G. Shevchenko.

Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine (1999). She was awarded the Order of Princess Olga III degree (2009) and the Order of Princess Olga II degree (2014). "Honored Professor of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University" (1999). Order of Princess Olga 1st degree (2020). Honored Professor (2019). Laureate of the Taras Shevchenko Prize of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (2018).

Мірам Геннадій Едуардович
Hennadii Miram
PhD in Philological Sciences
problems of translation studies, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: theory and practice of translation.

Education: Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Гон Олександр Мойсейович
Oleksandr Hon
PhD in Philological Sciences
Associate Professor
history of USA literature of the 20th century, problems of translation studies, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: theory and practice of translation.

Education: Lutsk State Pedagogical Institute named after L. Ukrainka.

Прушковська Ірина Віталіївна
Iryna Prushkovska
PhD in Philological Sciences
classic, modern Turkish literature, translation studies, methodology, literary translation criticism, Turkish language

Disciplines: practical course of the Turkish language, theory and practice of translation.

Education: Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Григорова Олена Вілієнтівна
Olena Hryhorova
PhD in Philological Sciences
Associate Professor, head sections of the German language
translation, language of specialization, country studies, history of literature, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: theory and practice of translation, language of specialty.

Education: Kyiv State University named after T.G. Shevchenko.

Громова Наталія Михайлівна
Natalia Hromova
PhD in Psychological Sciences
Associate Professor
foreign language teaching methods, formation of critical reading skills

Disciplines: practical English language course.

Education: Kyiv State Linguistic University, Ukrainian Academy of Foreign Trade.

Іванова Світлана Вікторівна
Svitlana Ivanova
PhD in Philological Sciences
Associate Professor
problems of phonetics and reading, speech perception, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the English language, theory and practice of translation.

Education: Kirovohrad State Pedagogical Institute named after Oleksandr Pushkin.

Каращук Андрій Якович
Andrii Karashchuk
PhD in Philological Sciences
Associate Professor
semantics, (text) modeling, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication, political discourse

Disciplines: theory and practice of translation, language of specialty, practical course of French and Arabic languages.

Education: Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Котенко Валентина Леонідівна
Valentyna Kotenko
PhD in Philological Sciences
Associate Professor
problems of researching modern sports discourse in Spain, linguistic and cultural studies, pragmatics, sociolinguistics of the Spanish language

Disciplines: practical course of the Spanish language.

Education: Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Михайленко Тетяна В’ячеславівна
Tetiana Mykhailenko
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences
Associate Professor
foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course, language of specialty.

Education: Kyiv State Linguistic Institute.

Орел Анна Леонідівна
Anna Orel
PhD in Philological Sciences
Associate Professor
gender linguistics, lexicology, cognitive linguistics, stylistics

Disciplines: practical course of the English language, theory and practice of translation.

Education: Chernivtsi National University named after Yurii Fedkovicha.

Полєєва Юлія Сергіївна
Yulia Polieieva
PhD in Philological Sciences
Associate Professor
general and experimental phonetics, intonology of the modern English language, communicative and cognitive aspects of production and perception of oral speech

Disciplines: practical English language course, language of specialty.

Education: Kyiv National Linguistic University.

Плахотнюк Наталія Олексіївна
Natalia Plokhotniuk
PhD in Philosophic Sciences
Associate Professor
philosophy of culture, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical French language course, language of specialty.

Education: Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Ніколаєва Людмила Олексіївна
Liudmyla Nikolaieva
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences
Associate Professor
practical translation, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: specialty language and translation practice.

Education: Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Присяжнюк Людмила Федорівна
Liudmyla Prysiazhniuk
PhD in Philological Sciences
Associate Professor
linguistics of altered states of consciousness, linguopsychoculturalology, cognitive poetics

Disciplines: language of specialty.

Education: Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.

Стоянова Інна Дмитрівна
Inna Stoyanova
PhD in Philological Sciences
Associate Professor
foreign language teaching methods, discourse studies, cognitive linguistics, linguistic and cultural studies

Disciplines: theory and practice of translation.

Education: Horliv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Татьянченко Олена Олександрівна
Olena Tatyanchenko
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences
Associate Professor
lexicology (borrowing from the English language), problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course, language of specialization, theory and practice of translation.

Education: Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Терсіна Ірина Зиновіївна
Iryna Tersina
PhD in Philological Sciences
Associate Professor
foreign language teaching methods, phraseological phrases, general lexicology, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course, language of specialty.

Education: Lviv Ivan Franko National University.

Карпік Микола Іванович
Mykola Karpik
PhD in Philological Sciences
Associate Professor
the language of the profession, foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the German language.

Education: Kyiv National Linguistic University.

Вилінський Святослав Іванович
Sviatoslav Vylinskii
PhD in Political Sciences
Associate Professor
theory and practice of translation, oral and written translation, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the German language.

Education: Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Рожкова Марiя Геннадiiвна
Maria Rozhkova
PhD in Legal Sciences
Associate Professor
practical translation of the language of the profession, language problems for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course, language of the profession.

Education: Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University.

Nataliia Chernihivska
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences
Associate Professor
methods of teaching foreign languages, formation of self-educational competence of students during the study of foreign languages

Disciplines: practical English language course.

Education: Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Drahomanov, Kyiv interregional teacher improvement institute named after Borys Grinchenko.

Julia Bondarchuk
PhD in Philology, associate professor
associate professor
Innovative strategies for language training of university students, problems of languages for specific purposes

Disciplines: practical course of English

Education: Kirovohrad State Pedagogical University named after V. Vynnychenko 

Viktoriia Stavtseva
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Linguocultural studies, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communications

Disciplines: second foreign language (normative course).

Education: Kyiv State Linguistic University.

Kateryna Kudryk
Candidate of Philological Sciences
Associate Professor
Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: language for special purposes, practical course of the English language

Education: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Максименко Людмила Олександрівна
Liudmyla Maksymenko
Associate Professor / PhD in Pedagogical Sciences
Associate Professor
foreign language teaching methods, translation teaching methods practical

Disciplines: English language course

Education:  Kyiv National Linguistic University

Баніна Ніна Вадимівна
Nina Banina
methods of teaching a foreign language, problems of translation studies, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the Spanish language.

Education: Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Батшеєва Антоніна Сергївна
Antonina Batsheieva
lecturer of the German language
translation, history of the world literature, methodology of the Foreign languages teaching, problems of languages for different purposes professional language, practical course

Disciplines: German language 

Education: Kyiv National Linguistic University

Бачуріна Людмила Вадимівна
Bachurina Liudmyla
Translation, Role Playing Games in Teaching English

Disciplines:  Prarcical English Course, Translation Theory and Practice 

Education: T. G.Shevchenko State UniversityNational Economic University

Братик Тетяна Миколаївна
Tetiana Bratyk
foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the Italian language, theory and practice of translation, language of specialty.

Education: Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Войтанік Ірина Володимирівна
Iryna Voitanik
foreign language teaching methods, general lexicology, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course.

Education: Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Ворончук Елісса Єгорівна
Elissa Voronchuk
senior teacher
foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the Spanish language.

Education: Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Галаган Наталія Дмитрівна
Halagan Nataliia
Foreign language teaching methods, the language of the profession, theory and practice of translation, oral and written translation, problems of languages for special purposes, professional and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the German language

Education: Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University 

Гарань Людмила Миколаївна
Liudmyla Haran
senior teacher
oral and written translation, terminology, country studies, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: specialty language, theory and practice of translation.

Education: Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Глібова Світлана Олександрівна
Svitlana Hlibova
PhD in Political Sciences
theory and practice of translation, problems of languages for special purposes

Disciplines: practical course of the English language, theory and practice of translation.

Education: Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University.

Грищенко Марина Вікторівна
Maryna Hryshchenko
teacher, head sections of the English language of senior courses
aesthetic education using a foreign language, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: specialty language, theory and practice of translation.

Education: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages named after Maurice Thorez.

Laureate of the Taras Shevchenko Prize of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (2018).

Деркач Наталія Валеріївна
Natalia Derkach
foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course, language of specialty.

Education: Kyiv State Linguistic University.

Джима Наталія Іванівна
Natalia Dzhyma
performative methods of teaching a foreign language, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course.

Education: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages named after Maurice Thorez.

Захаренко Ольга Михайлівна
Olha Zaharenko
teacher, head Spanish section
problems of translation studies, neologisms in Spanish, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the Spanish language, language of specialty, theory and practice of translation.

Education: Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Ільєнко Аліса Станіславівна
Alisa Illyenko
foreign language teaching methods, lexicology, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the Spanish language.

Education: Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Климук Оксана Сергіївна
Oxana Klymuk
methods of teaching a foreign language, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the Spanish language

Education: Kyiv State Linguistic University

Климук Тарас Миколайович
Taras Klymuk
oral translation (translation of conferences), problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course, language of specialty.

Education: Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University.

Конончук Олена Анатоліївна
Olena Kononchuk
foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the German language.

Education: Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Tamara Lazarenko
literature of US ethnic minorities (foreign literature), problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course.

Education: Chernivtsi State University named after Yurii Fedkovich.

Люшнякова Лариса Вікторівна
Larysa Liushniakova
methods of teaching a foreign language, language problems for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of German language, specialty languages, theory and practice of translation

Education: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Arina Maliuha
Assistant Professor
Foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for specific purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: Practical English language course, language of specialty

Education: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations

Морєва Марина Ігорівна
Marina Moreva
methods of teaching a foreign language, problems of translation studies, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the Spanish language, language of specialty, theory and practice of translation.

Education: Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University.

Ніколаєнко Світлана Леонідівна
Svitlana Nikolayenko
foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course, language of specialty.

Education: Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Oleh Pavliuk
methodology of foreign language teaching, language for specific purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: English for Specific Purposes

Education: Institute of International Relations,Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Петруша Ірина Дмитрівна
Iryna Petrusha
problems of modern sociolinguistics, interlanguage interference, prosodic organization of speech, translation

Disciplines: practical English language course.

Education: Chernivtsi State University named after Yu. Fedkovich.

Iuliia Reizina
French language teacher
Political discourse, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics

Disciplines: French language

Education: Kyiv International University. Philologist, teacher of French and English

Google Scholar

Liudmyla Savelieva
foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course.

Education: Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Салькова Лариса Леонідівна
Larysa Salkova
legal topics, political science, foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the German language, language of specialty, theory and practice of translation.

Education: Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Tamara Svirska
Foreign language teaching methods, practical translation of the language of the profession, language problems for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: specialty language, practical course of the French language

Education: Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

Oleh Skliar
foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the Arabic language, practical course of the Arabic language, language of specialty, theory and practice of translation.

Education: Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, University of Jordan.

Alina Skopenko
foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the German language.

Education: Kyiv State Linguistic University.

Федоренко Марина Борисівна
Maryna Fedorenko
teacher, head sections of the English language of junior courses
foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: language of specialty, practical English language course.

Education: Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko.

Федорець Діана Юріївна
Diana Fedorets
historical and typological linguistics, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course.

Education: Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Шепель Тетяна Іванівна
Tetiana Shepel
foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the German language.

Education: Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Шпенюк Ірина Євгенівна
Iryna Shpeniuk
PhD in Philological Sciences
discourse analysis, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical English language course and translation practice.

Education: Prykarpattia National University named after V. Stefanyka.

Hanna Yudina
foreign language teaching methods, problems of languages for special purposes, scientific and professional communication

Disciplines: practical course of the German language.

Education: Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University.