Fair of self-government in IIR

Ярмарок самоврядування

On September 14-15, the Students Council organized a traditional event, which was eagerly awaited by freshmen and all students of IIR — the fair of self-government! This is the same event during which you can get acquainted with all the departments and clubs of the Student Council of our institute.

Ярмарок самоврядування

In total, about 20 departments and clubs operate under the Council of Students: IIR Business Center, Cultural Department, Sports Department, Political and Diplomatic Club "Ambassador," FemClub IIR, International Department, IIR Mnemonic Club, IIR Speaking Club, Japanese Culture Club IIR, Environmental Department, Education Department, Legal Department, IIR Moot-Court Society, карʼєри Center, Information Department, Science Department, Partnership and Communications Department, IIR Debate Club, Volunteer Department, Book Club, IIR TB.

Науковий департамент
The Scientific Department

Therefore, for two days the hall of our institute shone with a variety of opportunities from student self-government! Each department and club presented itself with the help of bright posters, banners and thematic decorations, which could not but catch the attention of this year's active freshmen.

Юридичний департамент
The Legal Department 

In addition, the self-government fair also had a charitable purpose. All departments and clubs joined the collection from the Volunteer Department for a mini-grad for a pickup truck for performing combat missions to the military 228 OB 127 Ob TrO in the Lugansk direction. Some organizations of the SC also arranged interesting interactives: giveaways, quizzes — for donations to this initiative. Together we managed to collect 12,582 hryvnias!

Волонтерський департамент
The Volunteer Department 

Also on September 16, an online part of the fair of self-government was held for students who were not able to attend the event at the institute. There, all departments and clubs presented themselves with interesting and vivid presentations and invited the audience to join their teams.

The Self-Government Fair is an opportunity for any student, especially for freshmen, to find themselves in something new or join a favorite business. The Student Council is pleased to welcome every new member to the departments and clubs! Let this work brings not only additional points at the end of the semester, but also an interesting experience, new acquaintances and many impressions!

All used photos were taken by the 2nd year student of the OP "International Relations" Maria Petrova and the 2nd year student of the OP "International Communications" Dmytro Kulik.