International Educational Program on European and International Studies

Делегація ННІМВ

From July 1 to 9, 2023, a delegation of students of the Educational and Research Institute of International Relations of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv took part in an international educational program on European and international studies organized by the French NGO "Ukraine in Europe." The main goals of this study tour were to get acquainted with the work of the EU institutions, the memorial of the Nuremberg trials, as well as to visit the UN and WTO offices in Geneva.

Делегація ННІМВ

On July 3, 2023, students of NNIMO visited the memorial of the Nuremberg trials, in particular, the courtroom of the International Military Tribunal ("Hall 600"), where they had the opportunity to get acquainted with the details of the trial of Nazi criminals.

Візит до Європейського Парламенту

On July 4, 2023, Ukrainian students spent a busy day in Strasbourg with a visit to the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). In the building of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, students of the IIR attended a lecture on the powers of the EP and the legislative decision-making procedure in the European Union and then visited the meeting room of the EP. After lunch, students majoring in International Law visited the ECHR, where they watched a film about his work and met with the current ECHR judge from Ukraine and a former student and teacher of the IIR, Mr. Nikolai Gnatovsky. Students of other specialties visited the Council of Europe, where they attended a lecture on the work of this панʼєвропейської institution.

Візит до ЄСПЛ

On July 5, 2023, the Ukrainian delegation visited the capital of the Swiss Confederation - the city of Bern and the city of Lausanne, where the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee is located.

On July 6, students of IIR, mostly studying in the specialty "International Economic Relations" and "International Business," visited the office of the World Trade Organization in Geneva, where they listened to a surprisingly informative lecture on the work of the WTO by Ms. Irina Polovets, who spoke, in particular, about the current state of trade disputes between Ukraine and Russia and substantively answered all questions of the participants of the meeting.

Делегація ННІМВ

On July 7, Ukrainian students visited the UN Office in Geneva, got acquainted with the historical buildings of the Palace of Nations and learned about the work of the UN European Office, where they had the opportunity to see one of the most significant places in the post-war history of the European continent and the world.

Upon completion of the educational program, participants received appropriate certificates.

NGO "Ukraine in Europe" sincerely thanks all persons and institutions that in one way or another contributed to the organization of this educational journey and especially the teacher of the Institute of International Relations Yu. Poleeva.

From October 9 to 17, 2023, Ukraine in Europe organizes the last 65th educational trip to Georgia this year.

You can learn more about the activities of NGO "Ukraine in Europe" on the basis of this brochure.