Student Council Departments and Clubs

Departments of the Student Council

Information Department

The Information Department is engaged in the maintenance of social networks of the Student Council. It consists of the following departments:

  • Copywriting department: writing texts for posts posted on SC information resources 
  • Design department: creating a visual for posts posted on information resources SC
  • TikTok department: shooting videos for the SC TikTok account

Social networks of the Student Council:


Educational Department

The Educational Department sets the drive and shows that education is not only about boring memorization of notes and incomprehensible theory. We prove that the learning process can be interesting, exciting and diverse because banality is not our topic! Everyone can show their talents in any of the 3 departments: editorial, media and organisational!

We organise meetings with the representatives of different spheres, interesting quests with gifts, as well as informative publications to accurately capture your heart.

We believe that education is not another term from Wikipedia, but an integral part of everyone's life, so the goal of our department is to make this part of the driving and interesting!

Social networks of the Educational Department:


Cultural Department

The Cultural Department is a large family of talented students for whom culture is not just a hobby, but a way of life, they cannot imagine their existence without passionate creative plans, bright ideas and bold decisions!

Musicians, dancers, writers, theater-lovers, SMM- and PR-specialists, stylists, podcasters, linguists - 9 such diverse and at the same time united by a common passion divisions, where everyone can find themselves:

  • Music;
  • Literature;
  • Theater;
  • Dance;
  • SMM;
  • Vogue;
  • PR;
  • Podcasts;
  • Language culture.

Interesting meetings with cultural figures, warm literary and musical evenings, charming chamber performances, heated creative discussions and simply unforgettable impressions in the circle of charged, truly in love with art, incredible people. People who conquer cultural peaks together, because, as the French writer Andre Malraux once said: "Culture cannot be inherited, it must be conquered"!

Social networks of the Cultural Department can be found here

Legal Department

Law and a little bit more

Want to be cool like Saul Goodman? Interested in law? Moot court and ECHR are not a set of letters for you?

We are engaged in legal education, popularization of jurisprudence among IIR students and organize various events on the topic of law, including panel discussions, debates, meetings with interesting guests and even scientific conferences! In addition, we are responsible for protecting the rights of students during the educational process.

The Legal Department consists of the following sub-departments:

  • Educational Department - educational content generation, writing texts for permanent headings on Instagram and Telegram
  • Partnerships Department - organization of events and meetings, work with OSS, interaction with other RS organizations, processing students' appeals and providing basic consultations
  • SMM and Media Department - text processing and creation of pictures for social networks of the Legal Department
  • Department of appeals - consideration of students' appeals and resolution of conflict situations in the educational process in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine and the Regulations of the Institute

The Legal Department shows that law is easy and interesting for anyone!

Social Networks of the Legal Department:


Sports Department

Sports Department - more than sports!

The Sports Department of IIR - popularization of the sports movement and ensuring the active and comprehensive development of the student community.

The Sports Department IIR:

  • conducts its own events: charity games, tournaments, meetings, excursions, etc.; 
  • organises together with the Department of Physical Education of KNU competitions (at the level of the institute and university) and training. More in the Sports Guide
  • conducts media and educational activities: collections of news in stories; a calendar of sports that can be interesting for you; posts with the results of tournaments and everything that can be useful for an international relations student.

Social Networks of the Sports Department:

X (Twitter)

Scientific Department

The Scientific Department, first of all, organises student scientific conferences and cooperates with other institutes for the development of scientific sphere of students.

We also conduct models (G20, NATO, UN), meetings with specialists in political science and international relations and conduct sociological research at the request of our students.


Ecological Department

The Ecological Department promotes knowledge about the environment and makes it interesting! It consists of three sub-departments: copywriting and design, search for opportunities and organization of meetings and events.

The Ecological Department holds meetings with speakers-professionals in the field of ecology, and also organizes various events, for example, toloki.

An important achievement of the Ecological Department is the development of garbage sorting in Dormitory No. 20.

Social networks of the Ecological Department:


Volunteer Department

The Volunteer Department is engaged in the dissemination of volunteering among students and organising charitable activities. The department has three sub-departments: charitable fees, organizational and informational.

  • The first promotes donations on the Armed Forces of Ukraine: arranging draws and other activities such as advent calendar of donations and printing for donations. The activities of this department also include, for example, collecting sweets for St. Nicholas Day for the military. 
  • The organizational department arranges meetings with various persons related to volunteering or charity events, such as training in medicine. Also, this department organizes the manufacture of things necessary for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, such as chemical heating pads or trench candles. 
  • The information department operates within Telegram and Instagram channels, where it reports on meetings and other activities of the department and also maintains information headings related to volunteering.

Social Networks of the Volunteer Department:


International Department

International Department is a department that assumes the responsibility to educate foreigners and Ukrainians about Ukraine, to cover acts of Russian aggression, to distribute news and to help in the informational version to carry out mobility of students of IIR.

Our department includes authors, translators, and designers.

Among our headings you can see:

  • "Acts of Genocide against Ukrainian nation"
  • "Special day in the past"
  • "Foreign universities"
  • "Ukrainian treasures"
  • "InterDep Digest"

Social networks of the International Department:


Partnership Department

Communicating with stakeholders, pitching student governance to top companies in Ukraine, and inviting the coolest partners to IIR is about our Partnership Department.

There are as many as two super teams in the structure:

  • the first is looking for "friends of IIR" in various fields of business and the public sector at numerous events of the Institute; 
  • the second is the master of "preparing chic stories," that is, pitching student ideas.

Without the support of our Department, no student event takes place, so we are constantly establishing and expanding interaction with our partners to improve the quality of student initiatives.

Social networks of the Partnership Department:


Clubs of the Student Council

Book Club

IIR Book Club - a club that promotes reading in the student environment of the IIR.

Our activity will be of interest to those who cannot imagine their life without books. Every month we choose a new book that we read for a month, then get together, discuss it and share our impressions.

On our pages on social networks, you can read interesting facts related to books, authors, popularizers of literature and book publishing.

We also organize meetings with interesting speakers who are directly related to the world of literature.

Social networks of the Book Club:


Political and Diplomatic Club "Ambassador"

Political and diplomatic club "Ambassador" is an organization where every international relations student can find themselves.

Among the activities that we organize, meetings with interesting professional speakers stand out. These are outstanding Ukrainians who are making efforts for the development of our country, as well as foreign guests who are ready to share their experiences. The club actively expands ties with international partners: universities and student organizations abroad.

Now the Ambassador consists of four departments, each of which performs its own special function:

  • administrative department, 
  • department of external relations, 
  • PR-department, 
  • diplomatic corps. 

There is also a body such as the collegium, which consists of the Chairman of the club and the Heads of departments, who together discuss all the problems and determine the strategy for the development of the Ambassador.

Social networks of the Political and Diplomatic Club "Ambassador":


IIR Debate Club

Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument!

IIR Debate Club is one of the largest debate clubs in Ukraine. At club meetings, students develop debating skills and practice the British parliamentary debate format.

The club organizes trainings from Ukrainian and foreign experienced debaters, debate rounds, as well as informal team building. Members of the club regularly participate in national and international debate tournaments, where they successfully represent IIR and become finalists, winners and top speakers.

The club consists of three departments: HR, SMM and coordination.

Social networks of the IIR Debate Club:


IIR Speaking Club

Speak up, Stand out! 

This phrase expresses the essence of the IIR Speaking Club, which is a model of the language environment for raising the language level among students of the IIR in a friendly atmosphere.

Our main goals:

  • development of free communication in foreign languages among IIR students, 
  • socialization by discussing everyday and professional topics, 
  • providing students with the opportunity to acquire oratory skills, organizing discussions with native speakers, 
  • providing students with the opportunity to practice the language for academic mobility and employment in the future.

Currently, the IIR Speaking Club has such languages:

  • English, 
  • Spanish, 
  • French, 
  • German, 
  • Italian,
  • Chinese,
  • Arabic,
  • in plans: Turkish.

IIR Speaking Club arranges interesting collaborations with other departments of our institute, as well as other educational institutions so that students can talk about culture or sports in the language they are learning.

In addition to meetings, Telegram channels of various languages are available to club members, where selections of words, expressions and other useful information are regularly published.

The activities of our organization are focused on 4 departments:

  • moderators department (moderator should prepare materials for the meeting and coordinate it), 
  • designers department
  • copywriters department
  • administrative department (participation in the organization of in-person events).

Links to the Telegram channels:

IIR Moot Court Society

Moot Court Society is a club for interests... Judicial interests!

It is with us that you can find out what judicial competitions are, that is, Moot-courts, and acquire the skills to participate in them and even organize them and see this process from the inside.

The main activities and benefits of the department:

  • Organization of lectures with experienced lawyers to prepare for moot courts (oral rounds - the art of speaking, written rounds - a draft of legislation, writing statutes); 
  • Organization of moot courts;
  • Providing the opportunity to be bailiffs (that is, to be time-keepers and have the ability to listen to the presentation of the position of participants) on all-Ukrainian moot courts;
  • Research and writing headings with Legal English.

Social Networks of the IIR Moot Court Society:


Business Centre IIR

The main goal of the organisation is to popularise business education and financial literacy among students. To this end, the Business Centre IIR works in the direction of communications and media.

Within the line of communication, Business Centre IIR organises meetings with entrepreneurs, startupers, and specialists with real experience who help to understand the mechanisms of business activities and share personal experiences with students during lectures, workshops and question-answer sessions.

Within the media direction, the Business Centre IIR conducts educational work and publishes content on social networks, which helps to learn more about business.

Social networks of the Business Centre IIR:


FemClub IIR

What are we doing?
The main goal is to inform the students of the Institute about feminism, women, and the events and opportunities associated with them

Two strategies of work:

  • holding events related to feminism (such as femme parties - themed parties); 
  • informational activities in our social networks on the topic of women and feminism.


  • SMM department (creates and proofreads social network posts), 
  • events department (organizes events and communicates with partners), 
  • HR department (deals with the team and its internal issues).

FemClub IIR social networks:


Japanese Culture Club of IIR 

Our student club successfully united supporters of Japanese culture and anime.

We are actively expanding our activities by publishing information posts on a variety of topics, from politics to anime. We organize trips to the cinema and thematic institutions, contributing to new acquaintances.

The club has already managed to hold several large-scale events, including online meetings with bloggers, quests with prizes and a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ukraine.

The club strives to provide a variety of opportunities for interested students, which will contribute to the development and popularization of Japanese culture among the university community.

Social networks of the Japanese Culture Club of IIR:



Brilliance starts with memory

The club's activity is to spread knowledge about our memory, brain and intelligence, as well as life hacks for the development of memory.

At the same time, we act as media, covering interesting things about the brain, and as organizers of offline training on brain development and abilities of our memory.

We are supporters of the use of bright associations, emotions and imagination, and we do not believe that learning is always boring.

Social networks of the Mnemolove:


IIR Stories of War

We keep the history of war in memory of the past and pave the way for a prosperous future!

Within the club, we collect and disseminate stories of war told by people with completely different backgrounds, in Ukraine and abroad, and also involve young people in overcoming the challenges of martial law.

Are you asking how we do it? Then we answer: we conduct practical and educational events on a variety of topics relevant in the context of war (from tactical medicine to workshops on translating articles and interviews), arrange meetings with specialists in industries that are directly or indirectly affected by the war, join charity meetings and much more!

The club has 4 main departments:

  • editorial, 
  • analytical, 
  • organizational, 
  • SMM-department.

We are glad to see everyone who wants to join the positive changes, both in our team and at events and in social networks SOW!

Social networks of the IIR Stories of War:


Career Center

The Career Center searches for vacancies and internships for students, cooperates with companies, organizations and the government quarter.

Social networks of the Career Center:
