Chair of World Economy and International Economic Relations

Head of the Chair of World Economy and International Economic Relations, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Jean Monnet Program Olexander Shnyrkov


The training of specialists in the field of "International Economic Relations" at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv began in 1972 when the Faculty of International Relations and International Law introduced the "International Economic Relations" specialization.

The department has 14 full-time faculty members, including: 7 Doctors of Science, Professors (O.I. Shnyrkov, A.S. Filipenko, R.O. Zablotska, N.V. Reznikova, V.I. Mazurenko, O.A. Chugaev, D.M. Rusak), 5 Candidates of Science, Associate Professors (Yu.Yu. Khvatov, L.S. Polishchuk, A.V. Negoda, A.S. Nanavov, L.O. Shvorak), Candidate of Economic Sciences E.L. Terpytskyi, and Assistant O.S. Shepel.

In addition, the department currently has 8 postgraduate students.


Priority areas of the department:

  • ensuring high-quality training of specialists in the field of international economic relations,
  • conducting research on the development of the world economy and international economic relations by students, graduate students,
  • doctoral students, teachers of the department,
  • expansion and deepening of international cooperation in the fields of higher education and research,
  • intensification of work with students,
  • preparation of the personnel reserve of the department.

Our graduates can hold entry-level positions such as economist, economist in accounting and business activity analysis, planning economist, financial work economist, economic affairs observer, economist in contract and claims work, higher education institution instructor (assistant), market research analyst, economic consultant, economic advisor, attache, diplomatic agent, diplomatic courier, and foreign language translator.

Among the 5,000 graduates from the department, hailing from 46 countries, there are notable figures such as the President of Ukraine, the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, leaders of international economic organizations, members of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and foreign parliaments, ministers and heads of state institutions, ambassadors of Ukraine and foreign countries, company executives, Doctors of Science, and Professors.

The Chair carries out numerous workshops and conferences.




Contact us

Kyiv, 36/1 Y.Illienka str., room 313

Leading Assistant – Medvedeva Tatiana Oleksandrivna

Methodologist – Suhomlinova Olha Volodimirivna

Facebook page

The concept of the department`s development 2021-2025